Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Rodney Dangerfield On Smoking

Win Samsung Omnia i900 with Evastyle and Affarionweb

Alur ... I want this phone!
XD And then I am ready to participate in the contest and Evastyle Affarionweb !
want to participate too?! Nothing could be easier ... just read what was written on Regulation ! ^ ^ I

while crossing all crossed! XDDD

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Queens Borouugh College.com


I returned from my trip short and soon I found out that it is a video game "Spore" where you have to raise the creatures and conquer planets.

This game puts in doubt the Creationism, of which I am firmly convinced, and promotes panspermia theory without foundation that says that life on earth was formed randomly due to the impact with a comet.

This game is nothing short of blasphemous and voted to ridicule God

Casino Bus Schedule From Toronto To Niagra Falls

Dear visitarori of this blog, I'm back
for about two days from my trip to Africa with Father Christian and Andrea Bianchini.
This trip was enlightening for me, I discovered that you can live by without technology: you had to see African children playing with wooden toys and enjoyed themselves, ignoring what are video games.

Our children should spend more time playing with homemade toys, and not with that filth, that corrupt the soul of our children known as "Video Games"

These mass-produced modern entertainment have no reason to exist and must be ORGANIZED AND BURNED IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Read Letters To Penthouse Online Free


TOKYO - The first bullet train of history, the series shinkansen 'Zero', is now on borrowed time before the final retirement, scheduled for November, but its popularity among travelers Nipponese continues to increase.

More and more, in fact, passengers who buy tickets just to make a run on the venerable bullet train before he retires from the rails, regardless of destination. To meet the demands of the public, the train operator Jr is organizing special tours with special packages at discounted prices, which are proving to be very popular railway enthusiasts, families on outings and even schools, all of 'bewitched' by timeless of 'Zero' and its distinctive 'nose' black on the tip of the tractor.

The first bullet train of History was inaugurated in 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo, and was one of the most recognizable symbols of the rebirth of Japan from the ruins of the Second World War. In over 40 years of service has never suffered an accident or derailment. Capable of reaching speeds unthinkable for the time, about 210 kilometers per hour, the series 'Zero' was gradually replaced with new models, remaining still in service - and it will be until November - with its total reliability, with a pair of trains on the line linking the central city of Osaka southern island of Kyushu.

Source: ansa.it

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Stackable Rabbit Hutch For Sale Ontario

I'm back! XDDDD

And I finally decide to aggiornare... mamma mia... è da Giugno che non scrivo più! O.o
Un pò perchè ero troppo impegnata... un pò la pigrizia... urge rimediare! ^^
E quale miglior modo di ricominciare a scrivere su questo blog se non con tre bei video X-Japan related! XDDDD

Cominciamo con questo... fatto da me medesima...

Endless Love... Yoshiki

Sono la peggiore fan-girl di quest'uomo! XDDD

Il secondo è anch'esso fatto da me... un mio personale piccolissimo omaggio ad hide...

hide... we never forget you

And finally the last ... a wonderful video made by my brother (all in the family! XDDD)

X Japan - Kurenai (红)

Three small X in homage to the divine pre concert Paris! ^ ^ WE ARE


Friday, August 1, 2008

My Dog Has Polycystic


Metin2, online gaming is a shameful, violent extremism, to become the strongest where you kill the dogs.
Metin2 is arranged in a pyramid: at the top are the Game Master codiddetti , little dictators, who rule over all.
At the base of the pyramid, the players are inexperienced, discriminated against and called "NABBA" .
The player, in his rise to power, it becomes completely dependent on this game, you can not stand for a few minutes without playing.
We can not allow this game to continue to trouble the souls of our children!
I am organizing a petition to block the Italian metin2 server, which will be presented to the minister of telecommunications. A short
put a link to the petition, come in many!

General In Movie Commando

Tokio Hotel, subliminal messages in songs. My son and Fabio

Video games are not the only scourge afflicting the youth of today, there are other things are meant to sully their souls pure.
One of these is the music business, with its subliminal messages urging young people to conduct shameful.
The group will analyze today are the so-called Tokyo Hotel, very popular among young girls. This group
is the peak of the degradation of the music.
The founder of this group is called Bill Kaliz (pictured above) so loved by his ambiguous sexuality.
The group's songs are satanic.
Most of the songs from this group contains subliminal messages that incite to Satanism and homosexuality:

Some of these messages are camouflaged and almost impossible to detect,
some are hidden using a technique of backmashing, that is feel rewinding the song.

Lyric Scream
"We have to stand here on the hell" (we must stand up here in hell).
"my love is nasty." (My love is dirty)

Lyric Duch Monsun en
''Ich bin dein Gott''(I am your God) is repeated five times, quickly
Mochta''Ich, dass Ihr Blut aus den Venen''(I want the blood that comes out of your veins) clear incitement to suicide.

Right now they are all, if they'll add other scoverò.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Scanner Rating Under 500 Best Of 2009

andPer the fifteenth birthday of my son Fabio, I gave him a Playstation2.
This was one of the biggest mistakes I made in my life. In the first
time, we made a deal: for every good grade he received in school, he could play for an hour.
After a while, I realized that I tended to play without my permission, but I let him do, after all, a guy also needs to have fun! This
my negligence was fatal: he began to neglect his studies, and spent the money he gave on Sunday to give to charity during the mass to buy video game magazines.
But my patience to the limit came when he discovered that he had played the Playstation for five hours!
At that point, forbade him to play with the Playstation, and subsequent days, burst into withdrawal symptoms: screaming and kicking objects.
Fortunately the pastor came to his aid, and together they helped him get out of this nightmare, but not without difficulty.
was then that I decided to found this Association, to prevent other children plummet into oblivion, as happened to my son.

Do not buy a Playstation for your child!
ruin her life forever!

Ibm Thinkcentre M52 Audio

Games Grand Theft Auto 2

The first game we will discuss is the infamous Grand Theft Auto 2 second chapter in the saga Grand Theft Auto.

The name means''Grand Thef Auto Grand Theft''machines, so it is natural to think that this video game that young people to commit auto theft. Despite

Grand Theft Auto 2 is very old, has never ceased to kidnap the minds of our filgi is trapped inside the television screen.

The goal is to earn money by killing passers-by and do missions for crime bosses, you can also kidnap the children while leaving the school, for ransom!

The game also contains subliminal messages, just look at the picture above.

There is also a secret movie, viewable only to achieve 10,000 points which is represented with a raw realism rape.

Clip Art Of Arabian Nights


Hello dear, I
writes the Italian Association of Families'' Sea Shell,''a small association, presidenziata by me, James Alghisi.

The ultimate goal of this association is to prohibit the sale , or at least put a strong censorship on violent video game.

This organization, founded in December 2005, already has many members, if you want to join you too, do not hesitate to contact our E-mail Conchiglianelmare@yahoo.it

The name of our association'' Sea Shell ''was not chosen at random for''Shell'' means our goal to protect children now slaves of video games, e per ' 'nel Mare '', si intende l'enorme missione che ci sovrasta, ma non ci fà perdere la speranza.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Do I Have Chickenpox?

Japan, measures against obesity, now the war is belly

Amagasaki - A few days ago, Minoru Nogiri, a florist for 45 years, was summoned by the city of Amagasaki and ended up in a row waiting to be measuring the waist. Not having a little belly, he seemed to run little risk of being classified as overweight, or metabo, the preferred word in vogue these days in Japan. But since the new limit set by the government for the waistlines of males is 85.09 cm disk, a couple of days before, at home, Mr. Nogiri was measured with a certain apprehension. "I'm at the limit," he said.

Japan, a country whose inhabitants are generally not considered in the obese, is promoting one of the most ambitious campaigns ever undertaken by a nation to convince its citizens to lose weight. According to state law came into force two months ago, in the exams to do for the annual checkup, businesses and local governments must measure the waistlines of Japanese people between 40 and 74. That represents more than 56 million waistlines, or about 44% of the population.

Who exceed the limits specified by the government (85.09 cm for men and 90 for women) and whose weight gain is connected to some dietary advice will be provided if after three months have not lost weight. If necessary, after six months, those people will be subject to additional controls. To achieve the goal of shrinking the overweight population by 10% within the next four years and 25% within the next week, the government has also provided for fines to be imposed on those companies and local governments that fail to achieve their goals. The Minister of Health believes that this campaign will help to contain the spread of diseases such as diabetes and heart attack.

I opposed the measure argue that the government guidelines - especially those on the waistline of men - they are too strict and that more than half of the males in this way will be considered overweight. The result, they argue, is to encourage the use of unnecessary medical treatments in order to lose weight and, ultimately, to increase expenditure on medical care. Yoichi Ogushi, a professor at Tokai University School of Medicine, dice che "non c'è affatto bisogno" che i giapponesi dimagriscano. "Non credo che questa campagna avrà alcun effetto positivo. Se una cosa del genere si facesse negli Stati Uniti si riscontrerebbero dei benefici, dal momento che molti americani pesano più di 100 chili", spiega Ogushi. "Ma i giapponesi sono talmente snelli da non potersi permettere di perdere peso".

Il professore è più severo con gli americani di essi meritino. Un'indagine effettuata dal National Center for Health Statistics ha stabilito che la circonferenza addominale media dei maschi caucasici americani è di 99 centimetri, ben 2,54 centimetri meno della soglia dei 101,6 indicati dalla Federazione Internazionale del Diabete. Le donne americane not fare as well, with an average waist circumference of 92.71 centimeters, about 5 inches above the threshold set for them, 87, 88 cm. The differences in thresholds reflected variations in height and body type from Japanese men and women.

In comparison, the data referring to the Japanese are sketchy, but a search performed on a sample of 1998 male employees showed an average waist circumference of 78.20 cm. But this measure contained apparently was not enough to assuage the concerns of the Japanese health bureaucrats. For

Amagasaki, western Japan city, the authorities have given immediately to be done to measure the waistlines of citizens by implementing an initiative that the Government has established a "special checkup." The municipality must be at least 65 percent of people between 40 and 74 years covered by health care nationwide and a target "extremely difficult," acknowledges Midori Noguchi, a municipal official.

When it came his turn, Nogiri, the florist, entered into a cab, he took off his shirt and showed a flat abdomen and without visible traces of love handles. A nurse handed him a meter around the waist at the umbilicus, and took the initiative: 85.344 cm, a few millimeters above the limit. "Deleted" said Mr. Nogiri with an air of disappointment.

The campaign started a couple of years ago, when the Minister of Health began to speak insistently of a medical condition that few Japanese had heard of the metabolic syndrome, a set of factors that increase the risk of developing vascular disease and diabetes. Among these factors are abdominal obesity, high blood pressure and high levels of glucose and cholesterol. In no time at all, this disease has been shortened by the ominous name funny in a "metabolic" and has become synonymous with overweight.

The mayor of a city in Mie prefecture, was thrilled to anti-obesity campaign al punto tale che assieme ai primi cittadini di altre sei città ha dato vita ad un gruppo chiamato "I Sette Samurai Metabo". Quella campagna, però, si è conclusa improvvisamente quando un attivista di 47 anni, con 99 centimetri di giro-vita, è morto di infarto facendo jogging. E tuttavia, in una palestra di Amagasaki, decine di cittadini - pochi dei quali sembravano sovrappeso - ballano al ritmo della canzone anti-metabo che mette in guardia contro i bottoni dei pantaloni che saltano e rotolano via: "Pyun-pyun-pyun! Addio metabolica. Facciamo insieme il checkup. Dai! Dai! Dai! Non aspettare di ammalarti! No! No! No!"

Fonte: Repubblica.it

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Subaru Airbag Replacement

Customs apologizes for having put drugs in the luggage of an unsuspecting passenger

Japanese customs officials have apologized for having placed in the luggage of a passenger every 146 grams of cannabis (listed in Japan, about 6,350 euros).
E 'success at Narita airport where a customs officer, wanted to test the efficiency of a drug dog, but was not able to find the suitcase.
The problem arose when the officer himself was not able to track down the suitcase, leaving the unsuspecting passenger from this quantity of drugs!
The customs officer was called sternly, as he used the methods prohibited by law and the customs are asked to return the drug to the passenger had found in his luggage.
Eventually, the drug has not been returned ... we hope it is not because the poor passenger has been arrested in who knows what corner of the world!

Source: CulturaGiapponese.it

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Email New Baby Arrival

confess 6 things that you do not know me

With Iolanda that I was involved in this thing I have to write here 6 unmentionable things about me ... well ... I'm ready, and I will try to limit the damage to my image (which however I have already ruined! XDDD)

1) not go to sleep unless I have my plush Winnie the Pooh . Yes I know that I'm 24 ... but I was a child in the soul!! XDDD

2) I wash my hands constantly . I can not stand to feel dirty and I'm terrified of germs and then washed them at least a hundred times a day ... and if I can not wash them use the wet wipes! XD

3) I threatened to bring the names absurd. My father wanted to call Iole (as my grandmother), my mother was torn between Olivia (then married to Popeye! Oo) and Cassandra (which required only bad luck ... oh my! Oo) ... I finally have called Yara Alessandra ... and we were always absurd! Oo

4) I still have all my Barbie . And if I happen to buy it again ... as in step one, I know dentroooo girl! XDDDD

5) Una volta mi sono ubriacata e ho fatto una proposta indecente a un mio amico . Più inconfessabile di così... e non sto a dare spiegazioni! ^^"

6) Quando avevo 11 anni ho rubato 3 penne in una cartoleria. Il proprietario però se ne è accorto... ha avvisato mia madre, e mia madre mi ha presa a schiaffi dalla cartoleria a casa... ^^"

Mi sono rovinata abbastanza temo... la mia reputazione ne sta uscendo distrutta! ^^"
Intanto passo la palla a Francy , Tommo e Filippo ! XDDDD

Ja ne!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Difference Between Atherosclerosis And Thrombus

Hello Kitty in Japan tourism ambassador

Hello Kitty Japanese Tourism Ambassador. It 's the first time that a' brand ', then become a character in a cartoon, covers this' job' since the campaign started in 2003 to promote visits to the country.

According to the Kyodo news agency, the cat with red bow ear, became an icon that appears on gadgets in the world, tomorrow will be appointed goodwill ambassador in China and Hong Kong.

Minister of Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Japanese think that way to attract tourists to Japan. With this initiative, the government hopes to attract 10 million foreign tourists annually by 2010, compared agli 8 e mezzo dello scorso anno. E' stata scelta Hello Kitty, spiegano dal ministero, per la popolarità del cartone tra i cinesi. Alla fine di giugno è stato anche creato un blog nelle pagine in lingua cinese del sito della campagna.

Hello Kitty è nata nel 1974 in Giappone. E' stata riprodotta per la prima volta come una gattina senza bocca su un portamonete. Poi è diventata un fenomeno globale con oltre 50.000 prodotti in 60 Paesi diversi.

Fonte: RaiNews24

Monday, May 12, 2008

How To Install Drain And Supply For Clawfoot Tub

Kodomo no Hi

Letteralmente viene tradotto come "festa dei bambini".
E' una festività che fa parte della GOLDEN WEEK ed è dedicata al rispetto della personalità dei children. Originally called Tango no sekku and was celebrated on the 5th day of the 5th moon in the lunar calendar.
Until recently it was known as a day of boys, while girls, Hina Matsuri is celebrated on March 3.
In 1948 the Japanese government has decreed a national holiday to celebrate all children, and was renamed Kodomo no Hi
Although this is still considered as only a party of boys and many do not feel right that this is a national holiday while that of girls is not.
The day before the party families hanging out of their homes kites made of paper or cloth depicting carp koinobori, one for each child they symbolize perseverance, tenacity, energy and virile future success ... "Carp leaping upwards," according to a Chinese legend, they are able to swim against the current and trace high waterfalls, turning them into mighty dragons.
In case you also exposes a doll Kintaro and the helmet of Samurai Kabuto , which are symbols of a child healthy and strong.
Kintaro was the childhood name of Sakata no Kintoki, samurai of the Heian period, famous for the strength he possessed as a child.
In this day of celebration you eat rice balls wrapped in leaves of oak ( Kashiwa mochi) and the meatballs of wisdom " ( chimaki dango), wrapped in bamboo leaves.

SOURCE: domusognidibambini.blogspot.com

Thursday, May 1, 2008

What Colour Shoes With Chocolate Brown Dress

May, 2nd 1998 - May, 2nd 2008 10th Anniversary of hide's death

In the night between 1 and 2 May 1998 died hide ...
's been exactly ten years after his death ... and in my small space could not be a thought for him ... especially in this day ... ALWAYS IN OUR HEARTS


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wedding Slide Show Introduction Wording

Genji Monogatari

Also known as "History of the shining prince" and written by the court lady Murasaki Shikibu, who lived in the Heian period, questo romanzo viene considerato come uno dei capolavori della letteratura giapponese e della letteratura mondiale.
Scritto tra il 1001 e il1011, è diviso in 54 libri che narrano le vicende del principe Genji e dei suoi discendenti, e fornisce un quadro accurato sulla vita di corte dell'epoca.
Protagonista della prima parte dell'opera è Genji, conosciuto anche come HIKARU GENJI (Genji lo splendente) figlio dell'imperatore e della sua concubina più amata, Kiritsubo.
La morte della madre, avvenuta quand'era bambino lascerà in lui la figura materna vacante e per tutta la vita cercherà una donna ideale spesso vagheggiata.
All'età di 12 anni deve sposare, per volere di suo padre, la principessa Aoi, che non ama; pensa quindi di trovare la donna ideale in dama Fujitsubo, nuova concubina del padre, ma in quanto sua matrigna è una donna a lui proibita.
I due innamorati cercano quindi di reprimere i propri sentimenti, Fujitsubo chiudendosi nel riserbo e Genji lanciandosi in continue avventure che però non lo soddisfano.
Per curarsi da una malattia visita Kitayama, la regione delle colline anord di Kyoto, dove incontra una bambina, Murasaki, che scopre essere la nipote di Fujitsubo; la porta quindi a vivere con sè e ne cura l'educazione per farne la sua dama ideale.
Nel frattempo riesce ad incontrare dama Fujitsubo, da cui ha un figlio che però viene riconosciuto dall'imperatore divenendo così Principe Ereditario.
Genji si riconcilia con sua moglie Aoi e i due hanno un figlio, ma Aoi muore poco dopo il parto posseduta dallo spirito di Dama Rokujo, un'antica amante del principe ossessionata dalla gelosia. Il principe sposa quindi Dama Murasaki. L'imperatore muore e a corte prende il sopravvento una fazione ostile a Genji; quando quest' ultimo intreccia una relazione con la concubina del fratello la fazione approfitta dello scandalo per esiliarlo ad Harima, lontano dalla capitale, dove viene ospitato da un ricco possidente che lo incoraggia ad avere una relazione con sua figlia, Dama Akashi, dalla quale avrà una figlia destinata a diventare imperatrice.
Perdonato dal fratello, Genji torna a corte portando con sè Dama Akashi. Il figlio suo e di Fujitsubo è became emperor, and knew the bond that ties him to the Genji rises high honors.
Genji's life comes to a standstill, has an established position at court, but her love life is not satisfied.
Reluctantly a young bride of the nobility, Nyosan, but betrays him and forces him to recognize his son, Kaoru ... the fate reserved the same fate of his father.
Soon Lady Murasaki dies leaving Genji in a profound melancholy, withdrawing from the world and then dies at the age of 54 years.
In the second part of the protagonists are Kaoru, lady Nyosan son and his friend Niou, son of Genji and Akashi lady, and their adventures are told and their rivalry in an attempt di sedurre la stessa donna.
I temi dell'opera sono due: la riflessione sulla caducità delle cose, dei sentimenti, della bellezza e della vita; e il desiderio di giungere alla bellezza e l'aspirazione a uno stile di vita elegante e raffinato che motiva le azioni di Genji.
Molti scrittori giapponesi di ogni epoca si sono rivolti al Genji Monogatari come fonte d'ispirazione; anche alcune opere del Teatro No traggono il loro tema dal romanzo.
In epoca moderna numerosi scrittori, tra cui Akiko Yosano e Yukio Mishima, hanno rivalutato l'opera apprezzando la sua modernità e complessità e l'hanno tradotta in giapponese moderno (è scritto infatti in giapponese antico, quello parlato a corte nel periodo di Heian).

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Rawlings Est 1887 Pros 15 Tc

a comeback!

Per chi non lo sapesse ( ma c'è qualcuno che non lo sa?! XDDD) il 28,29 e 30 Marzo si sono tenuti al Tokyo Dome 3 concerti che hanno segnato il grande ritorno degli X-Japan... dopo 10 anni dal loro scioglimento!
Io ho avuto modo di vedere soltanto il primo dei tre... ed è stato veramente stupendo, emozionante e perfino commovente in alcuni punti... come quando Yoshiki ha iniziato a suonare al piano "Without You" (scritta in ricordo di hide... il chitarrista della band scomparso 10 anni fa) e per la prima volta Toshi l' ha cantata... mentre le immagini di hide scorrevano alle loro spalle... da brividi!
Le parole comunque non bastano per descriverli... vi lascio quindi with three videos that sum up the three live ... ENJOY!

X-Japan ~ Night Of Destruction ~ 03/28/2008

X-Japan ~ Night Of Madness ~ 03/29/2008

~ Night of Creation ~ 03/30/2008

final note that X-Japan will very likely be on July 5 in Paris ... and I obviously are already there! XDDD

Monday, March 24, 2008

Can You Drink Coffee If You Have Colitis

Conan ... the Buddhist dog! In Japan, for the fire alarm

It 's a fervent religious and it is not unusual to see in the Zen Buddhist temple' Shuri Kannondo 'Naha, Japan, where he went to pray. A zampe giunte. Già, perché si tratta di un piccolo Chihuahua bianco e nero di un anno e mezzo, un cagnolino che risponde al nome di Conan e che non perde occasione per accompagnare il suo padrone, Joei Yoshikuni, al tempio buddista.

Si posizionano davanti all'altare, Yoshikuni inginocchiato, Conan seduto sulla zampe posteriori e con le anteriori giunte in segno di preghiera. E lo fa tutte le volte che il padrone si inginocchia per pregare. "Penso che abbia imparato guardando me, mentre prego", ha detto Yoshikuni, il padrone del cane.

E, vista la facilità di apprendimento del suo Conan, ora Yoshikuni chiederà al piccolo Chihuahua qualcosa in più: imparare la meditazione, naturalmente a zampe crossed.

Source: RAI Net News

Monday, March 17, 2008

Reiki Bij Slijmbeursontsteking?


Waking up with the smell of wasabi. Japan has developed a fire alarm for deaf people who base the aroma of pungent green Japanese condiment typical sushi.
The gimmick, if it detects smoke, spray in the air a fragrance of wasabi that synth alarm even those who are wrapped in the deepest sleep. The professor Makoto Imai faculty Shiga University of Medical Sciences, which has an alarm built in collaboration with Seems, a perfume, said the smoke detector could save the lives of those who have hearing problems.
"The percentage of elderly among the victims of fires is about 50%. Thus, staff Seems ... thought that hearing impairment may be one of the delayed reaction to the fires, "he told Reuters in an e-mail.
Wasabi smoke detector was tested on 14 people, including four deaf . With the exception of a person who had a stuffy nose, all woke up within two minutes of sweet-smelling spray.
Imai said that the experimental production of detectors to the Wasabi will start within a year and the product will be in market within two years.

Source: News Italy

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tampon Public Bathroom

Japan speaks more Italian

Lo rivela un’indagine, la prima di questo genere nel Paese asiatico, sulla diffusione della lingua italiana nelle aree metropolitane di Tokyo e Nagoya: i risultati sono a dir poco sorprendenti.
Sono migliaia gli studenti che in Giappone si accostano alla lingua italiana. A rivelarlo è un’indagine, la prima di questo genere nel Paese asiatico, sulla diffusione dell’italiano in Giappone commissionata dall’Ambasciatore d’Italia, Mario Bova, al prof. Fabrizio Grasselli, rappresentante della Società Dante Alighieri in Giappone.
La ricerca, condotta tra la metà del mese di novembre e i primi giorni di dicembre dello scorso anno e relativa alle aree metropolitane di Tokyo e Nagoya, contains significant numbers of Japanese students in respect of the interest towards our language: in 5000 the school level are in Tokyo, Nagoya, 800, university level are in the 4800 Open College, which should be added about 2,000 of the remaining universities that offer courses in Italian.
In recent years there has been a strong demand even among children in metropolitan Tokyo are around 200 pupils aged between 3 and 15 years who have expressed a desire to approach the Italian language.
The growing interest in Japan toward our language was known only from the academic point of view, even more than simply linked to everyday Japanese: just spend a few days in the country to note the presence of Japanese names and phrases in Italian, from restaurants to shopping districts, from products to various magazines. The most striking examples of this trend are made by the reconstruction of a road in Italian Venus Fort in Odaiba, Tokyo Bay, the birth of an Italian neighborhood in Shiodome and the renovation of a Venetian quarter in Nagoya, said "Italy Walls." A
diffusion, that of our language, encouraged by Japanese institutions and schools as a vehicle key in the trade and professional in the last 15 years has greatly increased the number of Japanese students who attend Italian language courses and traveling to Italy to study.

Source: www.ladante.it

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Temporary Visitor Driver's License In Ny

L 'Epoca Sengoku

mid-1400, Japan faced the biggest political crisis of its history.
Japan was administered by a state Shogun (the stronger general, Supreme Council of the Emperor, but often more powerful than the latter), from which depended daimyo, local rulers who gave large tracts in administration of land. The feuds were
autonomous centers of power, had their emissaries customs and tax, its own code of laws and could count only on themselves to impose themselves on weaker neighbors.
Only 30 out of 250 estates were powerful enough at the beginning of the sixteenth century.
Ashikaga shogunate was unable to gain the loyalty of many daimyo, especially the more independent they had their domains away from the capital Kyoto, and these estates had begun to exert a strong political and military influence, as to threaten and put in discussion of the shogunate. The process that led to this new balance of power is said gekokujo "abusing subordinates superiors." The Age or
Sengoku Warring States Period began at the outbreak of the War of Onin (1467-1477). Initially, this war was just un conflitto locale fra due daimyo, i più potenti, gli Hosokawa e gli Yamana; presto però il conflitto si estese anche alle altre regioni.
La guerra scoppiò nel 1467 e in pochi mesi devastò Kyoto. Nel settembre 1467 Yamana trovò l'alleanza di un altro potente daimyo, Ouchi Masahiro e il conflitto si allargò. Alla fine del 1467 non c'era ancora un vincitore. Alla morte di Yamana e di Hosokawa, nel 1473, il conflitto andò mano mano soegnendosi e cessò del tutto nel 1477, lasciandosi alle spalle migliaia di morti e Kyoto devastata.
Dopo la guerra di Onin gli Ashikaga persero il loro potere diventando burattini della famiglia Hosokawa. Quando, nel 1493, il reggente Hosokawa fece deporre lo shogun Yoshitane Ashikaga mettendo power to another family member, Yoshizumi, began a new conflict. In 1499
Yoshitane obtain the support of Ouchi. In 1507 Matsumoto, regent of Hosokawa, Yoshizumi was assassinated in 1508 and was forced to flee, then returned to the shogunate Yoshitane.
Matsumoto's death the two sons began a war of succession and the family lost its power. Duarnte the next 50 years, many daimyo take advantage of the crisis to establish their own independent domains.
Among the battles that took place during this period we must remember those between the Takeda and Uesugi clan, including Tokugawa Ieyasu, who unified the western part of Japan and the wars of Nobunaga Oda (1534-1582) in which Japan found at least partial unification.
Born in 1534 in the province of Owari, Nobunaga in 1560 consolidated under his rule all the small clans of the region. He then allied himself with Tokugawa Ieyasu and Toyotomi Hideyoshi that serve him until his death. In 1567 he won the battle of Okehazama extending its dominion over the region of Owari. Captured Kyoto in 1568 and was elected as the shogun Ashikaga Yoshiaki, a puppet in his hands. After a number of other companies was assassinated in 1582, Hideyoshi and Ieyasu his death they divided the provinces and this brought the beginning of a new civil war. In 1590 Hideyoshi began the campaign of Korea, officially to expand the empire, but in reality to weaken their political opponents engaged in a war abroad. Initially, the samurai were the best, but when China began to engage in conflict ended the dream of conquest.
Hideyoshi died and was formed The Council of Five Regents that was intended to give the empire to his successor once he became of age, this advice was essentially a senate composed of 5 daimyo, mutual opponents that they would not never granted. Hideyoshi, however, had underestimated a representative: Tokugawa Ieyasu.
Within two years after Hideyoshi's death the empire was again split. They had formed two factions, one of Ieyasu made up of about 80,000 samurai and that of Ishida Mitsunari, another member of the council, with 110,000 men. In the famous battle of Sekigahara of 1600 killed about 40,000 and Ieyasu Samurai triumphed by putting an end to the bloodiest period in the history of the empire.
He was granted the post of shogun was born in 1603 and who will administer the Tokugawa shogunate in Japan until the second half of the nineteenth century. The 1603 is the date on which, by convention, the Sengoku period ends and begins the Edo period.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Is It Best To Wax Before Or After You Shower

Hina Matsuri

The 3rd day of 3rd month of the year in Japan is Hina Matsuri, the Feast of Dolls. Originally
dolls ( hina ningyou ) were paper and were used as a receptacle for the accumulated negativity during the year and were thrown into rivers, a way to ward off bad luck.
After the Edo period (1600-1867) dolls have become a representation of the feudal court, and the feast a celebration of girls in this family. The more traditional families for generations preserve their collection of dolls.
On March 3 of each year, in Japanese homes, a representation is set up with a scheme under which every traditional family must be respected: a kind of staircase of seven graduated shelves at the same distance from each other and covered with red cloth. On the top shelf are display dolls representing the emperor (Odair-sama) and the Empress (Alas-sama) in ceremonial costumes, and sat with her face turned to the viewer, behind them there are two screens until golden and their two lanterns stand. In the lower shelves are
the court ladies in waiting, servants, as well as floral decorations, furniture and valuable household objects played in a smaller scale.
Everything can only be looked at and never touched.
's exposure of the dolls is designed to delight the children of the family for which they are exposed only in the homes of families where there are the daughters, and is dedicated to all the "ladies" of the house in the hope that girls get married soon.
The representation serves to enhance the traditional gender roles within the family and the dignity of feudal society was chosen for the choreographic impact it has on the minds of young people who are called to play it as adults ... in the case of married women. The dolls are doing their part, are also exposed to greater than one month before their beauty, but once past the festival are now put away, the word katazukeru, "put away" when written with different kanji literally means marry. Place the dolls quickly after the party is tantamount to a prayer for a wedding that does not happen too much beyond the time.
the day of Hina Matsuri is also eaten something special, 's hamaguri , a clam that is roasted in its shell, which symbolizes the unity of the couple and even more loyalty, qualities important for a woman. You drink the sweet sake ... and even the food is offered to dolls: hishimochi (rice cakes), and plowing hina (dried rice balls).

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Average Cost Of Vision Insurance

Visual Kei

The visual style was born at the turn of the '70s - '80s, in Japan, inspired by some western styles such as punk, glam, gothic and dark.
E 'a feature of the Japanese rock band, composed almost exclusively by male artists who perform wearing clothes striking feature fabrics such as lace and leather, and the presence of numerous accessories such as studded belts, piercings, long hair and dyed with heavy makeup and a hairdo that looks androgynous.
The visual look, however, does not lend itself to any rating because it can range from the colorful world of glittering and glam to the opposite of the Gothic. Each artist or group may choose to adopt the visual in different shapes and sizes.
Band history to remember visual style are certainly:

- X-Japan - Malice Mizer - Luna Sea - Moi dix Mois
Inside the Visual kei increased number of popular movements, the Gothic Lolita fashion style, and subgenres, two examples are the ' eroguro (erotic grotesque & ... an art form that has to do with sex, violence ... bizarre and grotesque), el ' Angura Kei .
Another important sub-genre is the ' Oshare Kei, which began to appear in Japan around 2001. Oshare means "stylish" or "fashionable." The style of clothing of this kind is usually colorful and lively. In this style are bands like The Panic Channel , the Milphinne and Antic Cafe.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Pursuit 2 Wrestling Shoes

The Geisha

Geisha is a Japanese word of two kanji behave 芸 (gei) which means "art" and 者 (sha) which means "person". The word geisha would imply, in Italian, "art person" or better, "artist".
The Apprentice geisha are called maiko ( 舞 妓), also word of two kanji: 舞 (mai) which means "dancing" and (ko) meaning "maiden."
Kamakura era, the woman was confined in the house, subject to man, polite and very unattractive. The resulting boredom they felt the men led them to search for the ideal woman who had no home, a woman with more and more independent personality: the geisha. The art of geisha
born in the Tokugawa period (1600-1868), but the geisha as such does not appear until the Meiji era.
The first figure is comparable to the so-called geisha saburuko : specializing in entertainment courtesans of the noble classes. They had their climax in the seventh century and then disappeared a few centuries later taken over by juuyo , ie prostitutes high board.
To start talking about a figure similar to today's "woman of art" you have to get to 1600 when the festivities of the aristocrats, apart juuyo, began to participate in the first geisha were men who initially with the task to entertain guests with dances and songs ... a kind of jesters.
over time began to appear also the first female geisha who soon supplanted men.
When, in 1617, during the period we Edo, Tokugawa Hidetada, the second Tokugawa shogun, made prostitution legal, the houses of pleasure multiplied enormously and, as the geisha laprofessione was still in the process of adjustment, this figuara was often confused with that of the prostitute. Although the geisha was immediately forbidden to license prostitution, control was not very close. It was only in the nineteenth century, when the geisha had supplanted the juuyo, that laws were enacted more precise in this respect, in all major cities of Japan were created neighborhoods, such hanamachi (city of flowers) may arise where the houses tea ( ochaya ) and the geisha houses ( okiya ), as distinct from brothels ... geishas and prostitutes became so two distinct figures (although, today, some people associated with the geisha prostitutes).
The image of the geisha's white face with red lips like two petals, is a living artwork.
Geisha are entertainers, table required for their wit and conversational skills. Even some older geisha are met as members of traditional arts. Today
a geisha can earn a lot of money, but investing in a wardrobe, a geisha can not bring himself kimono with the same client for more than two times. Some have married
geisha Prime Ministers: Katsura in the Meiji period and Yoshda 50s. In 1989 a scandal with a geisha brought down the Prime Minister, one in just two months after his election.
In ancient times girls were trained from childhood to become a geisha, are beginning shortly before their teens. Hundreds of girls aspiring to be a geisha, but few exceed the rigorous training as a maiko at the okiya, where they are taught singing, dance, the practice of shamisen (Japanese three-stringed lute) and where learn the rules of conduct.
Before World War II the number of geisha was around 100,000, the geisha today barely reach the 8000 units.
geisha communities that still exist are that of the Tokyo and Kyoto, the most important, in which there are five hanamachi, the most famous and important ones are: to Gion, to Pontocho , to Miyagawacho and to Kamishichiken . Instead it has six
Tokyo: Shimbashi, Akasaka , Asakusa, Yoshicho , Kagurazaka and Hachioji .