Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tampon Public Bathroom

Japan speaks more Italian

Lo rivela un’indagine, la prima di questo genere nel Paese asiatico, sulla diffusione della lingua italiana nelle aree metropolitane di Tokyo e Nagoya: i risultati sono a dir poco sorprendenti.
Sono migliaia gli studenti che in Giappone si accostano alla lingua italiana. A rivelarlo è un’indagine, la prima di questo genere nel Paese asiatico, sulla diffusione dell’italiano in Giappone commissionata dall’Ambasciatore d’Italia, Mario Bova, al prof. Fabrizio Grasselli, rappresentante della Società Dante Alighieri in Giappone.
La ricerca, condotta tra la metà del mese di novembre e i primi giorni di dicembre dello scorso anno e relativa alle aree metropolitane di Tokyo e Nagoya, contains significant numbers of Japanese students in respect of the interest towards our language: in 5000 the school level are in Tokyo, Nagoya, 800, university level are in the 4800 Open College, which should be added about 2,000 of the remaining universities that offer courses in Italian.
In recent years there has been a strong demand even among children in metropolitan Tokyo are around 200 pupils aged between 3 and 15 years who have expressed a desire to approach the Italian language.
The growing interest in Japan toward our language was known only from the academic point of view, even more than simply linked to everyday Japanese: just spend a few days in the country to note the presence of Japanese names and phrases in Italian, from restaurants to shopping districts, from products to various magazines. The most striking examples of this trend are made by the reconstruction of a road in Italian Venus Fort in Odaiba, Tokyo Bay, the birth of an Italian neighborhood in Shiodome and the renovation of a Venetian quarter in Nagoya, said "Italy Walls." A
diffusion, that of our language, encouraged by Japanese institutions and schools as a vehicle key in the trade and professional in the last 15 years has greatly increased the number of Japanese students who attend Italian language courses and traveling to Italy to study.

Source: www.ladante.it


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