E' una festività che fa parte della GOLDEN WEEK ed è dedicata al rispetto della personalità dei children. Originally called Tango no sekku and was celebrated on the 5th day of the 5th moon in the lunar calendar.
Until recently it was known as a day of boys, while girls, Hina Matsuri is celebrated on March 3.
In 1948 the Japanese government has decreed a national holiday to celebrate all children, and was renamed Kodomo no Hi
Although this is still considered as only a party of boys and many do not feel right that this is a national holiday while that of girls is not.
The day before the party families hanging out of their homes kites made of paper or cloth depicting carp koinobori, one for each child they symbolize perseverance, tenacity, energy and virile future success ... "Carp leaping upwards," according to a Chinese legend, they are able to swim against the current and trace high waterfalls, turning them into mighty dragons.
In case you also exposes a doll Kintaro and the helmet of Samurai Kabuto , which are symbols of a child healthy and strong.
Kintaro was the childhood name of Sakata no Kintoki, samurai of the Heian period, famous for the strength he possessed as a child.
In this day of celebration you eat rice balls wrapped in leaves of oak ( Kashiwa mochi) and the meatballs of wisdom " ( chimaki dango), wrapped in bamboo leaves.
SOURCE: domusognidibambini.blogspot.com
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