confess 6 things that you do not know me
With Iolanda that I was involved in this thing I have to write here 6 unmentionable things about me ... well ... I'm ready, and I will try to limit the damage to my image (which however I have already ruined! XDDD)
1) not go to sleep unless I have my plush Winnie the Pooh . Yes I know that I'm 24 ... but I was a child in the soul!! XDDD
2) I wash my hands constantly . I can not stand to feel dirty and I'm terrified of germs and then washed them at least a hundred times a day ... and if I can not wash them use the wet wipes! XD
3) I threatened to bring the names absurd. My father wanted to call Iole (as my grandmother), my mother was torn between Olivia (then married to Popeye! Oo) and Cassandra (which required only bad luck ... oh my! Oo) ... I finally have called Yara Alessandra ... and we were always absurd! Oo
4) I still have all my Barbie . And if I happen to buy it again ... as in step one, I know dentroooo girl! XDDDD
5) Una volta mi sono ubriacata e ho fatto una proposta indecente a un mio amico . Più inconfessabile di così... e non sto a dare spiegazioni! ^^"
6) Quando avevo 11 anni ho rubato 3 penne in una cartoleria. Il proprietario però se ne è accorto... ha avvisato mia madre, e mia madre mi ha presa a schiaffi dalla cartoleria a casa... ^^"
Mi sono rovinata abbastanza temo... la mia reputazione ne sta uscendo distrutta! ^^"
Intanto passo la palla a Francy , Tommo e Filippo ! XDDDD
Ja ne!!!
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