Friday, August 1, 2008

General In Movie Commando

Tokio Hotel, subliminal messages in songs. My son and Fabio

Video games are not the only scourge afflicting the youth of today, there are other things are meant to sully their souls pure.
One of these is the music business, with its subliminal messages urging young people to conduct shameful.
The group will analyze today are the so-called Tokyo Hotel, very popular among young girls. This group
is the peak of the degradation of the music.
The founder of this group is called Bill Kaliz (pictured above) so loved by his ambiguous sexuality.
The group's songs are satanic.
Most of the songs from this group contains subliminal messages that incite to Satanism and homosexuality:

Some of these messages are camouflaged and almost impossible to detect,
some are hidden using a technique of backmashing, that is feel rewinding the song.

Lyric Scream
"We have to stand here on the hell" (we must stand up here in hell).
"my love is nasty." (My love is dirty)

Lyric Duch Monsun en
''Ich bin dein Gott''(I am your God) is repeated five times, quickly
Mochta''Ich, dass Ihr Blut aus den Venen''(I want the blood that comes out of your veins) clear incitement to suicide.

Right now they are all, if they'll add other scoverò.


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