The Apprentice geisha are called maiko ( 舞 妓), also word of two kanji: 舞 (mai) which means "dancing" and 妓 (ko) meaning "maiden."
Kamakura era, the woman was confined in the house, subject to man, polite and very unattractive. The resulting boredom they felt the men led them to search for the ideal woman who had no home, a woman with more and more independent personality: the geisha. The art of geisha
born in the Tokugawa period (1600-1868), but the geisha as such does not appear until the Meiji era.
The first figure is comparable to the so-called geisha saburuko : specializing in entertainment courtesans of the noble classes. They had their climax in the seventh century and then disappeared a few centuries later taken over by juuyo , ie prostitutes high board.
To start talking about a figure similar to today's "woman of art" you have to get to 1600 when the festivities of the aristocrats, apart juuyo, began to participate in the first geisha were men who initially with the task to entertain guests with dances and songs ... a kind of jesters.
over time began to appear also the first female geisha who soon supplanted men.
When, in 1617, during the period we Edo, Tokugawa Hidetada, the second Tokugawa shogun, made prostitution legal, the houses of pleasure multiplied enormously and, as the geisha laprofessione was still in the process of adjustment, this figuara was often confused with that of the prostitute. Although the geisha was immediately forbidden to license prostitution, control was not very close. It was only in the nineteenth century, when the geisha had supplanted the juuyo, that laws were enacted more precise in this respect, in all major cities of Japan were created neighborhoods, such hanamachi (city of flowers) may arise where the houses tea ( ochaya ) and the geisha houses ( okiya ), as distinct from brothels ... geishas and prostitutes became so two distinct figures (although, today, some people associated with the geisha prostitutes).
The image of the geisha's white face with red lips like two petals, is a living artwork.

Geisha are entertainers, table required for their wit and conversational skills. Even some older geisha are met as members of traditional arts. Today
a geisha can earn a lot of money, but investing in a wardrobe, a geisha can not bring himself kimono with the same client for more than two times. Some have married
geisha Prime Ministers: Katsura in the Meiji period and Yoshda 50s. In 1989 a scandal with a geisha brought down the Prime Minister, one in just two months after his election.
In ancient times girls were trained from childhood to become a geisha, are beginning shortly before their teens. Hundreds of girls aspiring to be a geisha, but few exceed the rigorous training as a maiko at the okiya, where they are taught singing, dance, the practice of shamisen (Japanese three-stringed lute) and where learn the rules of conduct.
Before World War II the number of geisha was around 100,000, the geisha today barely reach the 8000 units.
geisha communities that still exist are that of the Tokyo and Kyoto, the most important, in which there are five hanamachi, the most famous and important ones are: to Gion, to Pontocho , to Miyagawacho and to Kamishichiken . Instead it has six
Tokyo: Shimbashi, Akasaka , Asakusa, Yoshicho , Kagurazaka and Hachioji .

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