One of the most beautiful books by Banana Yoshimoto ... perhaps the most beautiful ever! I love him ... I read and reread, and yet I never tire of re-open it! ^ ^
's the story of Mikage, who after losing their parents, also lost her grandmother with whom she lived only a fact.
He moved then to the home of Yuichi and his fellow university friend of his grandmother, who lives with his mother, Erika. Later find out that Erik is actually the father Yuichi, who became a woman after the death of his wife. Through this partnership Mikage finds himself lost his balance.
After several months she decided to return to living alone, left the university and devoted himself to his passion, cooking, getting the help of a professional note. Yuichi
One night the phone, after months who did not feel, and tells her that her mother died, assassinated a few months before by a customer of the bar where she worked ... the boy had not had the courage to tell him all this time ... A Mikage falls upon the world, is convinced that almost all the people he loves are doomed to die. The next morning is to know that he will leave for work ... and can not refuse ... in the evening then decided to stay close to home and sleeps Yuichi boy.
The next day a girl, mate Yuichi, is she making them a scene of jealousy ... saying it can not do their comfortable with the boy, and that if they have fallen in love, must take the obligations arising from a relationship ... the same things are repeated by Chika-chan, a colleague of Eriko ... it also says that Yuichi has started, and tells her where he can find it. Even Mikage part for his work, and one evening you decide to call the boy, and realized that probably that will be the last time I heard, because he will continue to get away from it all. He then decided ... want to join ... even if only for a notte... arrivata all'albergo dove Yuichi alloggia irrompe nella sua camera dalla finestra... al mattino dopo riparte, ma risentirà il ragazzo telefonicamente prima che il suo viaggio di lavoro finisca... Yuichi è tornato a Tokyo, lei tornerà la sera... si danno appuntamento per cenare insieme a casa.
Il libro parla della solitudine giovanile; il titolo deriva dall'ossessione della protagonista per la cucina, simbolo della sua ricerca di protezione e di calore; metafora della faticosa ricerca della dimensione familiare perduta, ma sempre desiderata.
“Siamo rimaste solo io e la cucina. Mi sembra un po’ meglio che pensare che sono rimasta proprio sola. Nei momenti in cui sono molto stanca, mi succede often daydream. I think when the time comes to die, I wish it was in the kitchen. That I may be alone in a cool or warm with someone, I'd be able to tackle without fear. Maybe it was in the kitchen! "
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