Saturday, February 23, 2008

Average Cost Of Vision Insurance

Visual Kei

The visual style was born at the turn of the '70s - '80s, in Japan, inspired by some western styles such as punk, glam, gothic and dark.
E 'a feature of the Japanese rock band, composed almost exclusively by male artists who perform wearing clothes striking feature fabrics such as lace and leather, and the presence of numerous accessories such as studded belts, piercings, long hair and dyed with heavy makeup and a hairdo that looks androgynous.
The visual look, however, does not lend itself to any rating because it can range from the colorful world of glittering and glam to the opposite of the Gothic. Each artist or group may choose to adopt the visual in different shapes and sizes.
Band history to remember visual style are certainly:

- X-Japan - Malice Mizer - Luna Sea - Moi dix Mois
Inside the Visual kei increased number of popular movements, the Gothic Lolita fashion style, and subgenres, two examples are the ' eroguro (erotic grotesque & ... an art form that has to do with sex, violence ... bizarre and grotesque), el ' Angura Kei .
Another important sub-genre is the ' Oshare Kei, which began to appear in Japan around 2001. Oshare means "stylish" or "fashionable." The style of clothing of this kind is usually colorful and lively. In this style are bands like The Panic Channel , the Milphinne and Antic Cafe.


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