Saturday, February 9, 2008

Harbor Freight Leak Down

Yoshiki Hayashi

on this blog do not miss a speech dedicated to my beloved ... the Supreme Being Sublime Yoshiki! * _ *
Born in Tateyama, Chiba, on 11.20.1965, is best known for being the founder, pianist and drummer of X Japan ... as well as for having written most of their songs (including the quote, just to mention a few, TEARS, SAY ANYTHING, ENDLESS RAIN, FOREVER LOVE, KURENAI ... just because otherwise I could write them all! XD)! ^ ^
began playing piano at age 5 and later began playing the drums too. At the age of 10 years found the lifeless body of his father, who committed suicide due to economic problems. Yoshiki wrote the song Tears in honor of his father.
In 1982, at the end of the school, as the X with his childhood friend Toshi. In 1986, with the help of his mother, who sells the family business, founded Extasy Records to launch the career of X who could not find a record producer. The group then joined Pata and hide, guitarists, e il bassista Taiji; dopo l'abbandono di quest'ultimo nel gruppo entra Heath.
Nel 1992 gli X cambiano il nome in X-Japan , perchè, in uno dei vari viaggi negli USA avevano scoperto che già esisteva una rock band col nome X. Nel gruppo Yoshiki suonava sia la batteria che il piano, alternandosi, durante i concerti, tra i due strumenti; quando invece la canzone non permetteva il cambio pre registrava o la traccia del piano o quella della batteria dedicandosi completamente a uno dei due strumenti.
Per la violenza con cui suona la batteria ha avuto vari problemi al collo ed è stato costretto a portare un collare. Oltre al piano e alla batteria suona anche la chitarra e il basso.
Durante la sua carriera negli X-Japan lavora anche ad alcuni progetti solisti, tra cui:

- V2 con Tetsuya Komuro dei Globe, nel 1991 realizzano il singolo EYES OF VENUS
- ETERNAL MELODY con la London Philarmonic Orchestra e George Martin (Beatles) in cui include alcune canzoni degli X-Japan e il pezzo classico AMETHYST
- Nel 1994 con Roger Taylor (Queen) realizza il singolo FOREIGN SAND
- pubblica due compilation intitolate YOSHIKI SELECTION in cui si possono ascoltare i suoi pezzi classici preferiti, suonati da lui
- Nella compilation KISS MY ASS - A TRIBUTE TO KISS riarrangia la canzone BLACK DIAMOND e la esegue con l' American Symphony Orchestra.

Nel 1997 Toshi decide di lasciare la band e gli X-Japan si sciolgono.
Yoshiki he intended to reform the band in 2000 together with hide, but this was not possible due to the death of the young guitarist in May 1998.
After the funeral of hide, where X-Japan Forever Love performed, and where Yoshiki gave a speech, he moved to Los Angeles. He continued to work as a writer and producer groups with launching his label Extasy Records, including Dir en Grey, Glay the , Kiedney Thieves , Abandoned Pools ... In November 1999
reappears in public, performs the song Anniversary celebrations for the 10th anniversary of accession to the throne of 'Emperor. In December 2002
Yoshiki back on stage presenting his new project Violet UK; Violet comes from the fact that by combining all the colors, this will entail more purple, here we combine data from different musical genres flashes of digital battery, a touch of piano and electric guitar. Female vocalists complement these sounds.
UK because all the songs are in English.
From September 2004 to 'joined the band in August 2005 Globe .
In 2005 participates in 'Expo 2005. Recently provided the soundtrack for the horror film Catacombs and formed the rock band SKIN along with Gackt (ex Malice Mizer), Sugizo (ex Luna Sea), Miyavi and Ju-Ken's Gackt Job.
In 2007, X-Japan get together, the band will the soundtrack of the horror film SAW IV, IV with a song written by Yoshiki and containing original material written by hide. The band has also announced two dates at the Tokyo Dome on March 30 and 28.

so I close this article (a bit lunghini ^ ^) dedicated to Yoshiki-san ... a true genius, with a monstrous musical talent, which I hope will finally be recognized around the world!


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