Thursday, February 28, 2008

Is It Best To Wax Before Or After You Shower

Hina Matsuri

The 3rd day of 3rd month of the year in Japan is Hina Matsuri, the Feast of Dolls. Originally
dolls ( hina ningyou ) were paper and were used as a receptacle for the accumulated negativity during the year and were thrown into rivers, a way to ward off bad luck.
After the Edo period (1600-1867) dolls have become a representation of the feudal court, and the feast a celebration of girls in this family. The more traditional families for generations preserve their collection of dolls.
On March 3 of each year, in Japanese homes, a representation is set up with a scheme under which every traditional family must be respected: a kind of staircase of seven graduated shelves at the same distance from each other and covered with red cloth. On the top shelf are display dolls representing the emperor (Odair-sama) and the Empress (Alas-sama) in ceremonial costumes, and sat with her face turned to the viewer, behind them there are two screens until golden and their two lanterns stand. In the lower shelves are
the court ladies in waiting, servants, as well as floral decorations, furniture and valuable household objects played in a smaller scale.
Everything can only be looked at and never touched.
's exposure of the dolls is designed to delight the children of the family for which they are exposed only in the homes of families where there are the daughters, and is dedicated to all the "ladies" of the house in the hope that girls get married soon.
The representation serves to enhance the traditional gender roles within the family and the dignity of feudal society was chosen for the choreographic impact it has on the minds of young people who are called to play it as adults ... in the case of married women. The dolls are doing their part, are also exposed to greater than one month before their beauty, but once past the festival are now put away, the word katazukeru, "put away" when written with different kanji literally means marry. Place the dolls quickly after the party is tantamount to a prayer for a wedding that does not happen too much beyond the time.
the day of Hina Matsuri is also eaten something special, 's hamaguri , a clam that is roasted in its shell, which symbolizes the unity of the couple and even more loyalty, qualities important for a woman. You drink the sweet sake ... and even the food is offered to dolls: hishimochi (rice cakes), and plowing hina (dried rice balls).

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Average Cost Of Vision Insurance

Visual Kei

The visual style was born at the turn of the '70s - '80s, in Japan, inspired by some western styles such as punk, glam, gothic and dark.
E 'a feature of the Japanese rock band, composed almost exclusively by male artists who perform wearing clothes striking feature fabrics such as lace and leather, and the presence of numerous accessories such as studded belts, piercings, long hair and dyed with heavy makeup and a hairdo that looks androgynous.
The visual look, however, does not lend itself to any rating because it can range from the colorful world of glittering and glam to the opposite of the Gothic. Each artist or group may choose to adopt the visual in different shapes and sizes.
Band history to remember visual style are certainly:

- X-Japan - Malice Mizer - Luna Sea - Moi dix Mois
Inside the Visual kei increased number of popular movements, the Gothic Lolita fashion style, and subgenres, two examples are the ' eroguro (erotic grotesque & ... an art form that has to do with sex, violence ... bizarre and grotesque), el ' Angura Kei .
Another important sub-genre is the ' Oshare Kei, which began to appear in Japan around 2001. Oshare means "stylish" or "fashionable." The style of clothing of this kind is usually colorful and lively. In this style are bands like The Panic Channel , the Milphinne and Antic Cafe.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Pursuit 2 Wrestling Shoes

The Geisha

Geisha is a Japanese word of two kanji behave 芸 (gei) which means "art" and 者 (sha) which means "person". The word geisha would imply, in Italian, "art person" or better, "artist".
The Apprentice geisha are called maiko ( 舞 妓), also word of two kanji: 舞 (mai) which means "dancing" and (ko) meaning "maiden."
Kamakura era, the woman was confined in the house, subject to man, polite and very unattractive. The resulting boredom they felt the men led them to search for the ideal woman who had no home, a woman with more and more independent personality: the geisha. The art of geisha
born in the Tokugawa period (1600-1868), but the geisha as such does not appear until the Meiji era.
The first figure is comparable to the so-called geisha saburuko : specializing in entertainment courtesans of the noble classes. They had their climax in the seventh century and then disappeared a few centuries later taken over by juuyo , ie prostitutes high board.
To start talking about a figure similar to today's "woman of art" you have to get to 1600 when the festivities of the aristocrats, apart juuyo, began to participate in the first geisha were men who initially with the task to entertain guests with dances and songs ... a kind of jesters.
over time began to appear also the first female geisha who soon supplanted men.
When, in 1617, during the period we Edo, Tokugawa Hidetada, the second Tokugawa shogun, made prostitution legal, the houses of pleasure multiplied enormously and, as the geisha laprofessione was still in the process of adjustment, this figuara was often confused with that of the prostitute. Although the geisha was immediately forbidden to license prostitution, control was not very close. It was only in the nineteenth century, when the geisha had supplanted the juuyo, that laws were enacted more precise in this respect, in all major cities of Japan were created neighborhoods, such hanamachi (city of flowers) may arise where the houses tea ( ochaya ) and the geisha houses ( okiya ), as distinct from brothels ... geishas and prostitutes became so two distinct figures (although, today, some people associated with the geisha prostitutes).
The image of the geisha's white face with red lips like two petals, is a living artwork.
Geisha are entertainers, table required for their wit and conversational skills. Even some older geisha are met as members of traditional arts. Today
a geisha can earn a lot of money, but investing in a wardrobe, a geisha can not bring himself kimono with the same client for more than two times. Some have married
geisha Prime Ministers: Katsura in the Meiji period and Yoshda 50s. In 1989 a scandal with a geisha brought down the Prime Minister, one in just two months after his election.
In ancient times girls were trained from childhood to become a geisha, are beginning shortly before their teens. Hundreds of girls aspiring to be a geisha, but few exceed the rigorous training as a maiko at the okiya, where they are taught singing, dance, the practice of shamisen (Japanese three-stringed lute) and where learn the rules of conduct.
Before World War II the number of geisha was around 100,000, the geisha today barely reach the 8000 units.
geisha communities that still exist are that of the Tokyo and Kyoto, the most important, in which there are five hanamachi, the most famous and important ones are: to Gion, to Pontocho , to Miyagawacho and to Kamishichiken . Instead it has six
Tokyo: Shimbashi, Akasaka , Asakusa, Yoshicho , Kagurazaka and Hachioji .

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Harbor Freight Leak Down

Yoshiki Hayashi

on this blog do not miss a speech dedicated to my beloved ... the Supreme Being Sublime Yoshiki! * _ *
Born in Tateyama, Chiba, on 11.20.1965, is best known for being the founder, pianist and drummer of X Japan ... as well as for having written most of their songs (including the quote, just to mention a few, TEARS, SAY ANYTHING, ENDLESS RAIN, FOREVER LOVE, KURENAI ... just because otherwise I could write them all! XD)! ^ ^
began playing piano at age 5 and later began playing the drums too. At the age of 10 years found the lifeless body of his father, who committed suicide due to economic problems. Yoshiki wrote the song Tears in honor of his father.
In 1982, at the end of the school, as the X with his childhood friend Toshi. In 1986, with the help of his mother, who sells the family business, founded Extasy Records to launch the career of X who could not find a record producer. The group then joined Pata and hide, guitarists, e il bassista Taiji; dopo l'abbandono di quest'ultimo nel gruppo entra Heath.
Nel 1992 gli X cambiano il nome in X-Japan , perchè, in uno dei vari viaggi negli USA avevano scoperto che già esisteva una rock band col nome X. Nel gruppo Yoshiki suonava sia la batteria che il piano, alternandosi, durante i concerti, tra i due strumenti; quando invece la canzone non permetteva il cambio pre registrava o la traccia del piano o quella della batteria dedicandosi completamente a uno dei due strumenti.
Per la violenza con cui suona la batteria ha avuto vari problemi al collo ed è stato costretto a portare un collare. Oltre al piano e alla batteria suona anche la chitarra e il basso.
Durante la sua carriera negli X-Japan lavora anche ad alcuni progetti solisti, tra cui:

- V2 con Tetsuya Komuro dei Globe, nel 1991 realizzano il singolo EYES OF VENUS
- ETERNAL MELODY con la London Philarmonic Orchestra e George Martin (Beatles) in cui include alcune canzoni degli X-Japan e il pezzo classico AMETHYST
- Nel 1994 con Roger Taylor (Queen) realizza il singolo FOREIGN SAND
- pubblica due compilation intitolate YOSHIKI SELECTION in cui si possono ascoltare i suoi pezzi classici preferiti, suonati da lui
- Nella compilation KISS MY ASS - A TRIBUTE TO KISS riarrangia la canzone BLACK DIAMOND e la esegue con l' American Symphony Orchestra.

Nel 1997 Toshi decide di lasciare la band e gli X-Japan si sciolgono.
Yoshiki he intended to reform the band in 2000 together with hide, but this was not possible due to the death of the young guitarist in May 1998.
After the funeral of hide, where X-Japan Forever Love performed, and where Yoshiki gave a speech, he moved to Los Angeles. He continued to work as a writer and producer groups with launching his label Extasy Records, including Dir en Grey, Glay the , Kiedney Thieves , Abandoned Pools ... In November 1999
reappears in public, performs the song Anniversary celebrations for the 10th anniversary of accession to the throne of 'Emperor. In December 2002
Yoshiki back on stage presenting his new project Violet UK; Violet comes from the fact that by combining all the colors, this will entail more purple, here we combine data from different musical genres flashes of digital battery, a touch of piano and electric guitar. Female vocalists complement these sounds.
UK because all the songs are in English.
From September 2004 to 'joined the band in August 2005 Globe .
In 2005 participates in 'Expo 2005. Recently provided the soundtrack for the horror film Catacombs and formed the rock band SKIN along with Gackt (ex Malice Mizer), Sugizo (ex Luna Sea), Miyavi and Ju-Ken's Gackt Job.
In 2007, X-Japan get together, the band will the soundtrack of the horror film SAW IV, IV with a song written by Yoshiki and containing original material written by hide. The band has also announced two dates at the Tokyo Dome on March 30 and 28.

so I close this article (a bit lunghini ^ ^) dedicated to Yoshiki-san ... a true genius, with a monstrous musical talent, which I hope will finally be recognized around the world!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Bollywood Boobs Necked

La prima geisha occidentale

roaming through the net and I found on the site of Corriere della Sera, the news of a girl in Australia (Melbourne) who, after years of training, became the first Western woman to become part of the centenary world of the geisha.
Sayuki, this is his name, arrived in Japan to 15 years for a study vacation and fell in love the traditions of the country of the Rising Sun has decided to stay.
His training took place in a geisha house in the Asakusa district, where, in the '30s, the geisha lived their heyday, and required the 'pursuit of all those arts that are required of an entertainer his rank, including the tea ceremony, the art of dance and conversation.
Now that a geisha is to all intents and purposes, Sayuki is involved in organizing dinners and banquets that always also include a musical or dance, and also has a website that allows you to contact them! ^ ^

If you want to read the full article just click here ! ^ ^

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ww2 Camo Blog Templates

Sapporo Yuki Matsuri

in Sapporo (Hokkaido) is in progress, from 5 to 11 February, the Sapporo Yuki Matsuri 59th, which is the Sapporo Snow Festival, which takes place every year in February ' homonymous city. Koen
smell, and to Makomanai Susukino, Sapporo three locations were built more than 300 giant statues made of ice and snow.
The party was founded in 1951, when the pupils of a school built, just in 'Odori Koen (Park City) 6 small snow sculptures. If the
day, these sculptures are nothing short of fantastic at night with lights of the city, become a show that really takes your breath away!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Jeff Hardy And Trish Stratus

Kitchen - Banana Yoshimoto

One of the most beautiful books by Banana Yoshimoto ... perhaps the most beautiful ever! I love him ... I read and reread, and yet I never tire of re-open it! ^ ^
's the story of Mikage, who after losing their parents, also lost her grandmother with whom she lived only a fact.
He moved then to the home of Yuichi and his fellow university friend of his grandmother, who lives with his mother, Erika. Later find out that Erik is actually the father Yuichi, who became a woman after the death of his wife. Through this partnership Mikage finds himself lost his balance.
After several months she decided to return to living alone, left the university and devoted himself to his passion, cooking, getting the help of a professional note. Yuichi
One night the phone, after months who did not feel, and tells her that her mother died, assassinated a few months before by a customer of the bar where she worked ... the boy had not had the courage to tell him all this time ... A Mikage falls upon the world, is convinced that almost all the people he loves are doomed to die. The next morning is to know that he will leave for work ... and can not refuse ... in the evening then decided to stay close to home and sleeps Yuichi boy.
The next day a girl, mate Yuichi, is she making them a scene of jealousy ... saying it can not do their comfortable with the boy, and that if they have fallen in love, must take the obligations arising from a relationship ... the same things are repeated by Chika-chan, a colleague of Eriko ... it also says that Yuichi has started, and tells her where he can find it. Even Mikage part for his work, and one evening you decide to call the boy, and realized that probably that will be the last time I heard, because he will continue to get away from it all. He then decided ... want to join ... even if only for a notte... arrivata all'albergo dove Yuichi alloggia irrompe nella sua camera dalla finestra... al mattino dopo riparte, ma risentirà il ragazzo telefonicamente prima che il suo viaggio di lavoro finisca... Yuichi è tornato a Tokyo, lei tornerà la sera... si danno appuntamento per cenare insieme a casa.

Il libro parla della solitudine giovanile; il titolo deriva dall'ossessione della protagonista per la cucina, simbolo della sua ricerca di protezione e di calore; metafora della faticosa ricerca della dimensione familiare perduta, ma sempre desiderata.

“Siamo rimaste solo io e la cucina. Mi sembra un po’ meglio che pensare che sono rimasta proprio sola. Nei momenti in cui sono molto stanca, mi succede often daydream. I think when the time comes to die, I wish it was in the kitchen. That I may be alone in a cool or warm with someone, I'd be able to tackle without fear. Maybe it was in the kitchen! "

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Do Guys Get Brazilians?

Hattori Hanzo

who has seen" KILL BILL "surely will be remembered Hattori Hanzo ... the skilled forger of swords, which creates the sword for the Bride. But
Hanzo (1541 - 1596) is not only the character that appears in the film, but a figure actually existed; born as vassal of the Matsudaira clan, and often called Devil Hanzo because of the cruelty he showed in battle, servì sotto Tokugawa Ieyasu.
Si narra che divenne un ninja esperto giovanissimo, a soli 12 anni... e che fu riconosciuto come maestro ninja a soli 18 anni. Prese parte alla sua prima battaglia all'età di 16 anni, e combattè nella battaglia di Anegawa e nella battaglia di Mikatagahara giungendo all'apice della sua fama nel 1582, alla morte di Oda Nobunaga.
Morì nel 1596, all'età di 55 anni, ucciso in combattimento da un ninja nemico.
Lasciò un successore, Hattori Masanari, che però non ebbe il suo stesso successo come ninja.
Nel Palazzo Imperiale di Tokyo è possibile vedere l'Hanzo - mon... la porta di Hanzo, chiamata così in suo onore.
Le sue ceneri si trovano nel cimitero Sainen-ji in Tokyo along with his weapons.

Friday, February 1, 2008

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Konnichiwa!!! ^^

Welcome to my blog! ^ ^
Fleeing from msn space, which made me quite a few hysterics as being too slow, I find myself at last to open a serious blog!
XD And I'll talk here?! Simple ... of my greatest passion ... Japan!
of my love for this land, which was born during my childhood seeing the souls of my favorite manga ... the j-music, history and traditions of this country, my progress (rather than my failures XDDD) in the study of Japanese (the vowels are grounded for 2 months! ^ ^ "but one day I will speak fluently! XD) and my dream ... maybe you are going to make ... to be able to experience the first person in Nihon! ^ ^
Get ready to enter into my crazy world! XD
Stay tuned!