Gianfranco Fini, seen from the left
Accomplice to the usual short-sighted action of the daily newspaper La Repubblica, the country is going through a sort of canonization of the political figure of Gianfranco Fini, as opposed to that good in the role of the hero villain of Silvio Berlusconi.
better yet one thousand one Fini Berlusconi. Berlusconi is the most opposite to be imagined than democratic politics, he dreams of being a dictator, but the dictator Lukashenko, dictator "loved" by the people. In short, I dream about eighty percent of the elections and that dream is so pathetic that it manifests in acts that are also tender naivety: it is clear that doing a deputy minister or his lover is not only (obviously) an immoral act politically, is also the act of an insecure, as the surround of the various Bondi and Bonaiuti, people who know only say yes to the Cape. What about the role of "Uncle capable" played by Gianni Letta? In
Berlusconi is politically more coherent: it is a classic populist and populist ha svolto tutta la sua azione politica, che può essere spiegata come l’ascesa di un parvenu ricchissimo e imprenditorialmente geniale che, complice la debolezza estrema della classe politica tradizionale in particolare di centrosinistra tutta introflessa a provare a salvaguardare stipendi e destini personalissimi, ha coperto uno spazio politicamente scoperto ottenendo (anche grazie all’uso disinvolto di mezzi di comunicazione di sua proprietà) un consenso mai visto nella storia della Repubblica italiana.
Gianfranco Fini chi è? Gianfranco Fini è un uomo che passa i primi quarant’anni della propria vita a esaltare il fascismo, a tenerne in vita la memoria celebrando ogni 28 ottobre la marcia su Roma, per poi convertirsi to democracy after the candidate for mayor of Rome in 1993, did not proclaim that year that "Mussolini was the greatest statesman of the century," that gays should not teach, could not believe that nationalism "never, never "pacts with the League. In 1994 a strange alliance with the League just brings it to the government the following year with great opportunities waiver of fascist symbols, put in the attic the Italian Social Movement and founded the National Alliance.
's just the beginning of a thousand disguises and turns. He was despised by the hard right and pure and sees it as a "traitor", Fini try to dress different dresses until it finds one that is comfortable on him, like him cucitogli today by the Republic, to "good hero" indeed. But in reality the ends of government is what is in the operating room during the days of the G8 summit in Genoa in 2001, which promotes the inhumane in 2002 Bossi-Fini law on immigration, which quietly vote with all applicable laws ad personam to the beautiful 2007 and is ends with the birth of the PDL and Fini, who says: "There is no possibility that An entry in the PDL, we are at the final comic." Except sit meekly on the running board two months later, get the bench for the President of the Chamber and from there make their own comfortable, regardless of the sensitivity of the institutional role that plays.
Giafranco Fini è un opportunista molto pericoloso, interessato solo al potere e senza senso delle istituzioni, che per il potere può sacrificare qualsiasi ideale, perché non ne ha. E’ un politico pragmatico che sta peraltro prosciugando il bacino elettorale del Pd, complice l’imbarazzante inazione della segreteria Bersani verso la quale bisognerebbe organizzare una forte area di opposizione interna per provare a spiegare agli italiani che il Partito democratico non è morto e non si preoccupa solo di inciuciare per rimuovere Paolo Ruffini dalla Rai o per consentire a Berlusconi di difendersi “nel processo e dal processo” (Enrico Letta dixit).
I democratici italiani pagheranno a caro prezzo l’errore strategy to enhance the colossal movementism Fini to try to embarrass Berlusconi. From
opponent, no doubt prefer Berlusconi Fini. Better the populist opportunism, the curator of the better-change. Also because the populist conservative can politically beat, its conversion can make the Italian democracy knock out politically.
SONIA Trigiante
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