Sunday, November 21, 2010

Beach Themed Bathroom Decor

..e TRICOT sia!! nuove tendenze inverno 2010-2011

Buongiorno a tutte!!!
In questa grigia mattina di pioggia (ma quando smetterà?!) eccomi quìi ad aggiornare il mio blog!
Oggi volevo parlarvi di una tendenza dell'inverno 2010-2011 che sicuramente avrete già notato sbirciando nelle vetrine dei vari negozi: sto parlando del tricot! Golf, sciarpe ma soprattutto vestiti (lunghi e corti)'anno ce I'm really not for everyone!
For me, it will be the first signs of the now near Christmas decorations and lights that begin to appear in town, I was madly in love with golfoni-knitted dresses with embroidery of Christmas, such as reindeer, sleighs and so on and so forth! Prorpio I think that this week will focus in purchasing any of these pieces!
I leave showing the proposals of the various designers (and others) on ...
soon! Good Sunday to all and good week! kisses!

by the parade of D & G


Carla Brera




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