Monday, November 29, 2010

What Does Sweet N Low Do To The Body

Romantic dress...

Hello girls!
I apologize in advance because in this period between university courses and other commitments I will not be able to post many new outfit, but I'll do my best! ;)
However, today I wanted to show the outfit a few months ago I chose to celebrate an important anniversary with my boyfriend. The gown is in shades of pink, fading to black. He lacing creates a bow on the front and voile, so much light falls on the body.
to "play down" a little bit romantic I wore the dress of the logs with small studs (just seen) and a black sweater. I hope vi piaccia il risultato...
Un bacio a tutte voi e seguitemi se vi va!!!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Beach Themed Bathroom Decor

..e TRICOT sia!! nuove tendenze inverno 2010-2011

Buongiorno a tutte!!!
In questa grigia mattina di pioggia (ma quando smetterà?!) eccomi quìi ad aggiornare il mio blog!
Oggi volevo parlarvi di una tendenza dell'inverno 2010-2011 che sicuramente avrete già notato sbirciando nelle vetrine dei vari negozi: sto parlando del tricot! Golf, sciarpe ma soprattutto vestiti (lunghi e corti)'anno ce I'm really not for everyone!
For me, it will be the first signs of the now near Christmas decorations and lights that begin to appear in town, I was madly in love with golfoni-knitted dresses with embroidery of Christmas, such as reindeer, sleighs and so on and so forth! Prorpio I think that this week will focus in purchasing any of these pieces!
I leave showing the proposals of the various designers (and others) on ...
soon! Good Sunday to all and good week! kisses!

by the parade of D & G


Carla Brera



Saturday, November 13, 2010

Product With All Six Simple Machines

Love animalier dress

Hello girls!
I finally found some time between courses and the other at the University, to update my blog!
Today I show you the outfit I used last Saturday when, after a century that came back to the club, me and my boyfriend, some friends, we decided to go to ballare.Per the occasion I wore a dress from animal print that I like very much and I bought this summer and, because it is short, I wore leggings with blacks. To conclude the whole, black jacket, and my wonderful circle studded ankle boots bought in London in late August. I love them so much!
Beh, questo è il risultato...che ne dite?

Un bacio a tutte e, se volete, continuate a seguirmi!!!

My Cat Has Bumps On Her Neck

Sharansky was still right: there is not strong enough arm to aim their weapons against those who want more freedom

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Alpine Cde-9845 For Sale

China and human rights: a curse of our day "realpolitik"

"China is a place where there is no freedom of expression, where access to information is limited by censorship, where no elections are held and where justice depends on the violence of power. The world needs to understand what it means to turn such a place in the first power of the planet. "
The superstars dissident Ai Weiwei, released last night after three days under house arrest, not surrender to attack the Chinese authorities. He accused the international community, however, after the economic crisis of 2008, he had "declined to call Beijing to respect the fundamental values for fear of losing some business. "
Why is it possible to forward criticism that China considers it illegal?
"Because the Internet is a more powerful weapon of the regime. By now everyone knows everything, even in China, and this force will cause the collapse of the dictatorship. It 's the reason why all the world leaders in Beijing should put the issue of human rights violations. "
Do you think that the international effort has failed?
'attitude Global ago piety. They arrive in China Heads of State and Government in public and no one dares utter the words "human rights". How can they be so shortsighted? Great leaders, after the Nobel Peace Prize, not even ventured to say as Liu Xiaobo. The children will curse the West this mistake. "
think that the Chinese regime is guilty of the West?
"No, but the U.S. and Europe are responsible for its duration and its growth. Government and Chinese companies are not as efficient as they say. Education, environment and labor rights are sacrificed by an inhuman system. Enrich officials Party-slaves and their friends. It will not last long and the West will be the first to pay the collapse of this China. "
Friday they have arrested, but his party-was held the same complaint: why?
"Sunday I wanted to celebrate the forced demolition of my studio in Shanghai, the vengeance of the power celebrate with friends. The police took me, but failed to imprison six hundred other free individuals. I feared for their safety, I invited them to stay at home. Instead, they heard the "feast of crabs as a responsibility. For the Government was a shock, it was very moving. "
consider it possible that China will choose the reforms?
"I do not choose that, but that the change overwhelms us. E 'already in place in front of us, and change is the only way to avoid a bloodbath. "
Thanks to her fame, she has always been free, why he chose the fight?
"Humanity is now global. If fundamental rights are deleted from the money and democracy gives way to dictatorship, soon nobody will be more free. China is the mirror that reflects the future of the world, it will be a tragedy for all. "
does not fear jail?
"I have not alternative. I might just leave China, but my home is here. But if the whole world raise your voice, I feel more comfortable. "
'll be in Oslo on December 1, to receive the Nobel Peace Liu Xiaobo?
"It would be an honor, but I fear that if reached Europe, the Chinese government would not let me go back home. But I hope that thousands of people around the world, present themselves in Oslo with a shirt that says "I am Liu Xiaobo. Beijing can no longer turn a blind eye, if the civilized society will stop to consider China as a civilized nation. "

Front Teeth Ache Sinusitis

Gianfranco Fini, seen from the left

Accomplice to the usual short-sighted action of the daily newspaper La Repubblica, the country is going through a sort of canonization of the political figure of Gianfranco Fini, as opposed to that good in the role of the hero villain of Silvio Berlusconi.

better yet one thousand one Fini Berlusconi. Berlusconi is the most opposite to be imagined than democratic politics, he dreams of being a dictator, but the dictator Lukashenko, dictator "loved" by the people. In short, I dream about eighty percent of the elections and that dream is so pathetic that it manifests in acts that are also tender naivety: it is clear that doing a deputy minister or his lover is not only (obviously) an immoral act politically, is also the act of an insecure, as the surround of the various Bondi and Bonaiuti, people who know only say yes to the Cape. What about the role of "Uncle capable" played by Gianni Letta? In

Berlusconi is politically more coherent: it is a classic populist and populist ha svolto tutta la sua azione politica, che può essere spiegata come l’ascesa di un parvenu ricchissimo e imprenditorialmente geniale che, complice la debolezza estrema della classe politica tradizionale in particolare di centrosinistra tutta introflessa a provare a salvaguardare stipendi e destini personalissimi, ha coperto uno spazio politicamente scoperto ottenendo (anche grazie all’uso disinvolto di mezzi di comunicazione di sua proprietà) un consenso mai visto nella storia della Repubblica italiana.

Gianfranco Fini chi è? Gianfranco Fini è un uomo che passa i primi quarant’anni della propria vita a esaltare il fascismo, a tenerne in vita la memoria celebrando ogni 28 ottobre la marcia su Roma, per poi convertirsi to democracy after the candidate for mayor of Rome in 1993, did not proclaim that year that "Mussolini was the greatest statesman of the century," that gays should not teach, could not believe that nationalism "never, never "pacts with the League. In 1994 a strange alliance with the League just brings it to the government the following year with great opportunities waiver of fascist symbols, put in the attic the Italian Social Movement and founded the National Alliance.

's just the beginning of a thousand disguises and turns. He was despised by the hard right and pure and sees it as a "traitor", Fini try to dress different dresses until it finds one that is comfortable on him, like him cucitogli today by the Republic, to "good hero" indeed. But in reality the ends of government is what is in the operating room during the days of the G8 summit in Genoa in 2001, which promotes the inhumane in 2002 Bossi-Fini law on immigration, which quietly vote with all applicable laws ad personam to the beautiful 2007 and is ends with the birth of the PDL and Fini, who says: "There is no possibility that An entry in the PDL, we are at the final comic." Except sit meekly on the running board two months later, get the bench for the President of the Chamber and from there make their own comfortable, regardless of the sensitivity of the institutional role that plays.

Giafranco Fini è un opportunista molto pericoloso, interessato solo al potere e senza senso delle istituzioni, che per il potere può sacrificare qualsiasi ideale, perché non ne ha. E’ un politico pragmatico che sta peraltro prosciugando il bacino elettorale del Pd, complice l’imbarazzante inazione della segreteria Bersani verso la quale bisognerebbe organizzare una forte area di opposizione interna per provare a spiegare agli italiani che il Partito democratico non è morto e non si preoccupa solo di inciuciare per rimuovere Paolo Ruffini dalla Rai o per consentire a Berlusconi di difendersi “nel processo e dal processo” (Enrico Letta dixit).

I democratici italiani pagheranno a caro prezzo l’errore strategy to enhance the colossal movementism Fini to try to embarrass Berlusconi. From

opponent, no doubt prefer Berlusconi Fini. Better the populist opportunism, the curator of the better-change. Also because the populist conservative can politically beat, its conversion can make the Italian democracy knock out politically.

SONIA Trigiante

How To Slides With 8800f

Conference family, watching "Double or nothing?" black and white was right ovvviamente

Very interesting, yesterday, in Milan, a forum dedicated to the family the fifties mainly very much in line with the times. It seemed one of those films of the postwar period with Gregory Peck, except that it was Giovanardi. He had organized that "the Forum of Family Associations" which was allowed to rely on the presence of the Prime Minister and who is, in essence, a political movement linked to the old Cei Camillo Ruini, partly paid for stuff with our 8 per thousand paid to the Church: is the same movement that helped form the committee that boycotted the referendum on the sympathetic Law 40, the one that the world envies us, and that courts around the country are rightly demolished.

Very appropriate also the invitation of Secretary Eugenia Roccella who felt the need to specify that gay and trans were welcome, as some posters with dogs outside shops.

amazing e inimmaginabili anche le novità evidenziate dal Forum: i matrimoni calano, i figli pure. Fermate le rotative.

I matrimoni calano, già. L'unica cosa da fare - hanno spiegato Carlo Giovanardi e Maurizio Sacconi, sottosegretario al welfare e ministro della Sanità - è creare un nuovo fisco che premi le famiglie tradizionali, ma solo quelle che facciano figli, appunto. Un'idea nuova che in effetti non risale agli anni Cinquanta ma direttamente al Fascismo. Dopodiché il Forum ha proseguito cedendo la parola alle istanze libertarie e progressiste del Paese: ha parlato l'arcivescovo Dionigi Tettamanzi.

Più tardi ancora, spenta la tv a valvole, si tornava nel mondo reale - cinquant'anni later, color - where the majority of cohabiting couples in Italy, there are people who want to marry, but who can not remarry. Are obviously not same-sex couples, because we can not marry because our the most backward country in the West, and there is not even a choice for couples or ideological reasons (eg, then) refuse to be regularized with a legal contract already exists, what is marriage. Not at all. Pairs are in the mire for years separations and divorces involving very long time and yet out of this era. But Italy is not considered that the institution of the family, centuries or decades, has been transformed as with anything that does not die but simply si trasforma: i divorzi esistono - nondimeno, numerosissimi, quelli della Sacra Rota - e le coppie di fatto, spesso, rappresentano solo delle responsabili liste d'attesa. Tutto il resto viene dopo: ma quelli del Forum forse non l'hanno capito. Forse pensano che sia tutto un complotto delle lobby gay.

Ecco, i gay e i figli in provetta: ovviamente il film anni Cinquanta ha ritrasmesso anche questa datatissima polemica. Carlo Giovanardi ha difeso la legge 40 sulla fecondazione, paventando un «Far West della provetta» e prendendosela con chi, solo perché vuole avere dei figli, ritiene lecito procurarsi «materiale genetico in vendita» o trovare «terze persone che si prestano a dare l'utero in affitto». In effetti la Science has provided the opportunity for thousands of couples to use artificial insemination or adoption: in the last thirty years have more than four million children born to infertile couples and has prevented the transmission of many genetic diseases: and only the Church, cultural reference and Giovanardi Sacconi, this still does not like.

Other controversies have followed the brand-new distinction made by Sacconi between pairs of "size journalism 'and couples' private law dimension', roundabout way to differentiate the traditional couples (male-female) from all others. Public policies already discriminate, said Sacconi: in fact le coppie omosessuali non hanno mica pensione di reversibilità, per dire. La discriminazione dovrebbe perciò coerentemente proseguire. Tutto il mondo va in tutt'altra direzione, e in questo non c'è distinzione tra destra e sinistra: ma questo non significa, può essere che il Vaticano, pardon l'Italia, sia l'unica a vederla giusta.

Questo, aspettando Lascia o raddoppia, ritrasmetteva la nostra vecchia tv a valvole. Il Forum ha spiegato che «la famiglia è la cellula fondante della società» e dimenticava soltanto che la società cambia, diversamente dal diritto matrimoniale del nostro Paese. Perché nel nostro Paese, da destra, laddove il più normale ha quattro famiglie, negli recent years has not wanted to even agree to a shorter separation times and to the left, instead, sought to establish a substantial second-class marriage - too far, and scaring the famous middle class - with the result that the end has not changed anything by us. Not even the slightest, not even arguably shared. So, if identified in Camillo Ruini undecided or Franco Grillini - that is, between the Vatican and gay activists - the majority of so-called real country was moving as usual elsewhere, to the detriment of the political class of this decrepit old self-reflective, self-reference, outside world.

Filippo Facci

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Christening Cards What To Write


All l'hanno attaccato, ma il senatore Ciarrapico aveva ragione a suggerire a Fini di tornare a mettersi la Kippah , perché quella è l'unità di misura della serietà delle parole e delle convinzioni del nuovo idolo della sinistra e dei salotti bene. 

L'uomo per cui " Mussolini è stato il più grande statista del secolo ", e che poi, senza fare una piega s'è messo a pontificare sul " fascismo male assoluto ".   
Il cognato di Monte-Carlo e il legalitario in terra umbra.  
Il ministro della legge sull'immigrazione firmata with Bossi, and internationalist who speaks of new citizens.
The dolphin Almirante who wanted the presidential republic, and who wants deputatucolo " discontinuity."
wanted to make a "major reform " him, and now speaks like a Follini any, evoking the sad ritual of " verification", in which the Christian Democrats had crushed his balls to the Nation (another word that safe soon espungerà from their vocabulary, in favor of something else) already more than thirty years ago.

was supposed to be the leader of the modern right, capable to transform the center pole of the right in the transformation of this country towards modernity: institutional reform, based on the alternation electoral legitimacy, morality, politics as compliance with the promises with which it was submitted to the voters.
hath been showed yet another part of the party of the second row, benefited from the cataclysm of the early '90s, employed only to perpetuate the system of power that was his son, he who in theory would not should know, having been out due to the so-called "constitutional arc.
One from which not even buy a classic used car, because la sua parola e le sue idee durano meno del latte fresco non pastorizzato: l'ennesimo parolaio . 

A un figuro del genere non si può che dire, assieme a Ciarrapico: " va a metterti la kippah… finché sarà di moda, in attesa di trovare una kefiah in tinta con le tue cravatte ".

Friday, November 5, 2010

Jaw Stiffness Stomach Flu

Kate Moss & Topshop's last collection :*(

Ciao ragazze!!
Oggi volevo parlarvi di una collaborazione che da un pò di anni mi faceva sognare ma che sembra ormai in dirittura d'arrivo: quella di Kate Moss con il marchio inglese Topshop (uno dei marchi low cost che prediligo!!).Dopo tre anni e ben 14 collezioni insieme pare che la stagione autunno/inverno 2011 siglerà l'addio tra Kate e il celebre store.
 Devo confessarvi che la cosa mi rattrista alquanto, perchè, anche se i prezzi dei capi non sono mai stati molto bassi, il gusto che Kate dava alla sua linea era indiscutibile!
Intanto però è uscita, proprio da pochi giorni, la sua ultima collezione e vi volevo mostrare i capi che mi sono piaciuti di più.. Penso proprio che qualcuno di questi sarà mio a breve! Voi che ne pensate?
 Presto vi mostrerò un nuovo outfit!
Un bacio a tutte e grazie per aver seguito il mio blog!!!