Ciao a tutti!!!!!!!
Questo è il primo post del mio nuovo e unico (visto che non ne avevo mai avuto uno prima) blog! Devo confessarvi che sono un pò emozionata...
Comunque sia, come potete leggere nel mio profilo sono una studentessa di Lingue (laureata, frequento il secondo anno di specialistica) e vivo in un paese in provincia di Firenze. Oltre allo study in my life there are many passions: her boyfriend aside, I am interested in music (I love the rock, from pop to grunge to India) and I love dancing (as a child I attended a course for 10 years of classical dance ).
Well, as you'll see is not all here ... for several years now passionately follow the fashion world. I'm not a girl too obsessed with the signatures (because it is only a student, many of those beautiful things I still can not afford it!) Even though I love watching fashion shows and browse the various fashion magazines to see the collections of the greatest designers who consider it a true and form of art!
But I would say that, as far as my style, I have no reference point in particular. I am inspired mostly by the world around me, drawing a little from the people I meet on the street and some from blogs and fashion magazines. In short, I love everything that is not fixed, standard or trivial: even my "look" will vary depending on the mood and how I want to hear: more space rock style, the John Richmond Balmain or to a Blumarine more romantic style (another brand I love literally!). The Gion and sports are easy and in the evening but I like to feel elegant and beautiful indossareun heel 12 .... I call the "chameleon" because I love to mix different styles and even "dare" in a sense ...
I hope you enjoy my blog and I can not wait to compare myself with you!
For the moment I decided to post some of my favorite styles, taken from fashion shows and various fashion blogs. Apresto Kiss Me! Ely

2010 by the parade of Blumarine. I love animal prints, one of my "fixed"!

More from parades Blumarine 2010. What a beautiful fresh clothes and those who know so much about spring!

From the catwalks of Balmain
2010. Other end are so crazy about the leather pants and military-chic style of Balmain is one of my favorites.

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