Why are Veronesi against the Agency for Nuclear È fatta, Umberto Veronesi guiderà la neo costituita “
Agenzia per la sicurezza del nucleare in Italia ” (se questo è il nome vorrei far notare che l’acronimo può diventare ASiNI, brrrr…).
Sono radicalmente, contrario a questa scelta, che considero lontana da ogni razionalità scientifica e rispondente esclusivamente a ragioni di calcolo politico e mediatico.
Sono contrario oggi così come ero contrario a Veronesi quando doveva essere candidato al ruolo di Sindaco: non è che il fatto che a guadagnarci possa essere il centrodestra mi pare sufficiente a superare le obiezioni di principio, i principi non possono cambiare secondo le convenienze.
Umberto Veronesi è un insigne clinico, a surgeon who has saved many lives directly, and many more thanks to a relapse of his commitment, period. Its merits clinical transform humans is good for all tasks and all seasons.
His expertise in oncology, the rigor of a scientist does not suffice to make it a "good" Mayor (although it would be an excellent candidate for mayor, the only one able to rout the center in Milan), things like not necessarily make a "good" in charge of the donkey.
In both cases I saw and I see an operation of mere facade: a "good name" showcased, to silence by the mass media of the person doubts about the operation.
In both cases I saw and I see a structure ready to take the lead in place of Veronesi, willing or unwillingly "head of straw" of the business committee of the center that would rule Milan instead of the business committee that is governing for the center as well as the actual structure that will guide this agency.
Taking advantage of the vanity of man, now image of itself in its own foundation dedicated to him in life, someone has seen fit to build an altar for sacrifices, to do what needs without too many difficulties. The fact that he
eighty-five years, the age at which one deals with the great-grandchildren and public affairs, is only a "Finally," but I do not deny that it may have some weight. From the nuclear
supporter I find that this road is a delinquent, yet another concession to a charismatic vision of the administration of public affairs, for which "who" does things is more important, for good or evil "thing "is an illiberal view that dominates this country so long as to have permeated the public culture.
There is no difference between the claim to rule the "better" than the left, the arrogance of that failed di Montezemolo and the "smart" Berlusconi to put the "good name of the center" on the nuclear deal. It's the same game that transforms the political art of the choices from which to govern society, a mere appearance.