Sunday, October 31, 2010

What Happens If You Forge Community Service Hours

Trick or treat ??.....

Hello girls!
As you know tonight we will celebrate Halloween! Not that I care a lot about the party itself, is a consumer good and good find no deeper meaning ... but, of course, any excuse to party, right?
However, to remain in horror theme I wanted to show the look of some celebrities that I found it quite frightening! You be the judge, who held the title of "worst dressed" of the year?
Vi auguro buon divertimento stasera se avete intenzione di fare un pò di baldoria!
La prossima volta aggiornerò i miei outfits, promesso! Ciao e un bacio a tutte voi che avete commentato o seguito il mio piccolo blog!!

Christina Aguilera (si salva solo l'ultimo vestito sulla dstra, se non fosse così scollato però, e comunque lei lo fa sembrare alquanto rozzo!)

<B>Paris Hilton e Britney Spears le peggio vestite nel 2006 </B>

Paris Hilton (non si smentisce mai!)

Katy Perry. Ma a cosa stava pensando quando è uscita di casa in body e leggings di pizzo???


Jennifer Lopez. Anche lei non si smentisce mai !! (Ma che roba è???)

&nbsp;Rihanna. Sarebbe così carina se solo si sapesse vestire decentemente!!

Lady Gaga. Premesso che la trovo "simpatica" &nbsp;perchè è originale ed è riuscita ad ottenere un successo mondiale partendo dal nulla, nel look ,però&nbsp;,spesso e volentieri&nbsp;esagera e non la si può proprio guardare!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tomtom Map Updates Free

O Dunga or death! The bullshit of

A me, tutte queste storie sulle prodezze sessuali del nonnino di Arcore ( continuate così, eh? che in un Paese come questo sono 2-300.000 voti assicurati in più ), ricordano una lontana barzelletta:

Due esploratori are captured by a tribe of natives in Black and locked in a cage.

few hours later comes the tribal chief who says, "because you have violated our territory, the penalty is death. But you have a chance of salvation: the test of Dunga. We do Dunga Dunga and, later, we leave you free. "
The two explorers will consult with each other. " Dunga Dunga?, With those blacks', but you saw how long we have? "other" honor?, I do not mean to lose your honor! ", but the first reflects the" course, the alternative Dunga is the death "... so that the two give up, and they wipe the tribe that enjoys doing Dunga Dunga.

sore, wounded honor but free, the two explorers take over the road and are captured by another tribe.
The new chief of the tribe welcomes them saying " because you have violated our territory, the penalty is death. But you have a chance of salvation: the test of Dunga. We do Dunga Dunga and, later, we leave you free .
The two explorers, still sore, they look terrified, and bow their heads in unison say, "Dunga".

Even more painful, but forget the honor free again, the two explorers on his journey.
And now, as they walk, they are captured by another tribe.
The tribal chief comes in and starts saying: " because you have violated our territory, the penalty is death. But you have a chance of salvation: the test of Dunga. We do Dunga Dunga and, later, we leave you free .
scouts watching and tired dull blurted out: " just , rather than death! "

The tribal leader admired for her courage is intended for explorers and reply" have chosen death, and death will have, but first ... a little 'Dunga! "

Mole Appeared On Forehead

Binetti, the duty of the laity to be serious

people that I be offended by such crap for Binetti just do not understand: if you are Catholic, that's the way , secundum non datur, period.

can occasionally "fall into temptation," because man is flawed, but you have to recognize that the path is scored.
If you think it is morally acceptable to live in another way there are two cases: consciously or six non-Catholic , which does not mean you can not be a good person or that our Lord can not look with mercy, or you're a Paraculo which claims to be his cocks with the blessing of the archbishop .

In short, not a Catholic I find that the rule is clear: for Catholics the only sex within marriage is allowed is that "traditional"; want a divorce, marry, live together, have sex with a person of the same gender? is fine, but saves you the trouble of Catholic and tell us to listen.
If all we did so , there would be millions of people can better live their lives, and the gentlemen priests would discover that they are also what are officially since the referendum on divorce: a petulant minority .

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bast Of Masterbation Vidos

I love cuissardes....and my new hairstyle!

Eccomi di nuovo!
As promised, I show you the outfit I wore last Sunday for a quiet evening with my girlfriends black zara shirt that leaves bare shoulders, dsquared jeans, my new cuissardes low, leather bags of diesel and my h & m scarf spotted .... Here are some photos I took before going out in my bedroom. Ah, you like my new haircut? I love it!
Hello, you next time! Ely

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Deworming For Puppies Medicine

Let's talk about ... cuissardes!

Hello girls!
certainly as you noted one of the hottest trends at present are cuissardes: high heels, medium or low, in leather or suede, are raging in the fashion magazines and especially in the stores.
Personally I find them fantastic, and in fact I did not hesitate a moment to buy: I have taken blacks dusters and downs, however, are quite high given that I can wear them freely also with skirts and dresses without creating an effect too vulgar. And you? What do you think? Write me your opinions!
Next time I'll show you an outfit that I wear my new purchase! Ely

Ps. Here are some models cuissardes taken from internet:

Kate Moss as usual trend: cuissarsdes the beautiful dark green worn with leather pants!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Squash Balls Saskatoon

Welcome Adolf Hitler wide

Ecco, con tutto il rispetto per la sacralità della proprietà privata che nutro, se qualcuno avesse il tempo di andare a Dorno (PV), divellere questo cartello e infilarlo su per il culo del proprietario del "largo privato Adolf Hitler" , più che l'attenuante comune ex articolo 62 del codice penale ( l'avere agito per motivi di particolare valore morale o sociale ) bisognerebbe riconoscergli un'onorificenza al merito della Repubblica.

Trovato su:&nbsp; La fionda news

Ankylosing Spondylitis And Annuity Rates

Why are Veronesi against the Agency for Nuclear

È fatta, Umberto Veronesi guiderà la neo costituita “ Agenzia per la sicurezza del nucleare in Italia ” (se questo è il nome vorrei far notare che l’acronimo può diventare ASiNI, brrrr…).
Sono radicalmente, contrario a questa scelta, che considero lontana da ogni razionalità scientifica e rispondente esclusivamente a ragioni di calcolo politico e mediatico.
Sono contrario oggi così come ero contrario a Veronesi quando doveva essere candidato al ruolo di Sindaco: non è che il fatto che a guadagnarci possa essere il centrodestra mi pare sufficiente a superare le obiezioni di principio, i principi non possono cambiare secondo le convenienze.
Umberto Veronesi è un insigne clinico, a surgeon who has saved many lives directly, and many more thanks to a relapse of his commitment, period. Its merits clinical transform humans is good for all tasks and all seasons.
His expertise in oncology, the rigor of a scientist does not suffice to make it a "good" Mayor (although it would be an excellent candidate for mayor, the only one able to rout the center in Milan), things like not necessarily make a "good" in charge of the donkey.
In both cases I saw and I see an operation of mere facade: a "good name" showcased, to silence by the mass media of the person doubts about the operation.
In both cases I saw and I see a structure ready to take the lead in place of Veronesi, willing or unwillingly "head of straw" of the business committee of the center that would rule Milan instead of the business committee that is governing for the center as well as the actual structure that will guide this agency.
Taking advantage of the vanity of man, now image of itself in its own foundation dedicated to him in life, someone has seen fit to build an altar for sacrifices, to do what needs without too many difficulties. The fact that he
eighty-five years, the age at which one deals with the great-grandchildren and public affairs, is only a "Finally," but I do not deny that it may have some weight. From the nuclear
supporter I find that this road is a delinquent, yet another concession to a charismatic vision of the administration of public affairs, for which "who" does things is more important, for good or evil "thing "is an illiberal view that dominates this country so long as to have permeated the public culture.
There is no difference between the claim to rule the "better" than the left, the arrogance of that failed di Montezemolo and the "smart" Berlusconi to put the "good name of the center" on the nuclear deal. It's the same game that transforms the political art of the choices from which to govern society, a mere appearance.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Hack Kates Playground

There's a little black dress in my bedroom ...

Hello everybody!!
I finally managed to find some time to start this blog! And for the first time I show you an outfit that I created in recent days ... I bought it from h & m a simple black dress with long sleeves and big neck. I took the idea to wear it in several versions: the day to go to university with a pair of jeans, belt on the hips and sneakers or boots low.
In the evening, however, I "embellished" with a pair of heels twelve whom I adore, a necklace, my beloved Gucci top box and a beret, another Chapter I like a lot because it always adds a touch of French chic that never hurts! Definitely a purchase
guessed since it can be used in thousands of versions!
I hope you like it!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Ottawa Cinemas Silvercity

Black is now free.

This afternoon, the heart of the Black stopped.
care of veterinarians were not enough, her blood pressure continued to fall until everything is finished.
is now finally free, runs between the wires of catnip and stretches out in the sun.
I'll miss you, my dear little cat.

Lew Dot Structure Of Clf2

I speak a little bit of me ...

Ciao a tutti!!!!!!!
Questo è il primo post del mio nuovo e unico (visto che non ne avevo mai avuto uno prima) blog! Devo confessarvi che sono un pò emozionata...
Comunque sia, come potete leggere nel mio profilo sono una studentessa di Lingue (laureata, frequento il secondo anno di specialistica) e vivo in un paese in provincia di Firenze. Oltre allo study in my life there are many passions: her boyfriend aside, I am interested in music (I love the rock, from pop to grunge to India) and I love dancing (as a child I attended a course for 10 years of classical dance ).
Well, as you'll see is not all here ... for several years now passionately follow the fashion world. I'm not a girl too obsessed with the signatures (because it is only a student, many of those beautiful things I still can not afford it!) Even though I love watching fashion shows and browse the various fashion magazines to see the collections of the greatest designers who consider it a true and form of art!
But I would say that, as far as my style, I have no reference point in particular. I am inspired mostly by the world around me, drawing a little from the people I meet on the street and some from blogs and fashion magazines. In short, I love everything that is not fixed, standard or trivial: even my "look" will vary depending on the mood and how I want to hear: more space rock style, the John Richmond Balmain or to a Blumarine more romantic style (another brand I love literally!). The Gion and sports are easy and in the evening but I like to feel elegant and beautiful indossareun heel 12 .... I call the "chameleon" because I love to mix different styles and even "dare" in a sense ...
I hope you enjoy my blog and I can not wait to compare myself with you!

For the moment I decided to post some of my favorite styles, taken from fashion shows and various fashion blogs. Apresto Kiss Me! Ely

Blumarine, sfilata a/i 2010 2011

2010 by the parade of Blumarine. I love animal prints, one of my "fixed"!

More from parades Blumarine 2010. What a beautiful fresh clothes and those who know so much about spring!

From the catwalks of Balmain
2010. Other end are so crazy about the leather pants and military-chic style of Balmain is one of my favorites.