Sunday, January 9, 2011

64.941*(yg Zc-16.4)/(wa Xt Yg Zc)

I love saldi!

Hello guys!
As you know the sales have already started in almost all of Italy ... what to say, I think this is the best time for people who love to shop (sometimes even the most tiring though!) Because often you can find real and own opportunities! The shoes that you seen by a lot but I'm a little over budget, the head of the original but you know very well that you wear only once or twice at most, the object of desire that every time you're about to buy but then thought for a thousand reasons ... well Thanks to balances often fail to realize the small "dreams" (speaking of fashion) and we feel gratified as never before exiting from the shops laden with bags, but knowing that they have spent (relatively) soon!
Since we are still at the beginning of the sales, it is unlikely that there are some great discounts on merchandise .. despite what I have to say that this year I have just been busy, and I bought two of the items required for some time: a mini jacket faux fur in the beige and beautiful sivaletti string! In addition, I bought a black skirt with a tube of studs, really cute! Immaini unearthed some place on the net relating to the designs of the pieces that I bought (though not exactly equal), just to give you an idea. .. very soon will post a new outfit that I wear some new leaders! Kisses to you all and follow me if you like!


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