Thursday, December 23, 2010

Live Movie Brazilian Wax

Total black...except for the shoes..

Hello girls!
We finally officially on holiday, give me a few days it will be Christmas! So I will have more time to create new outfits to show you!
However, this time the public photos of a night when I put some of our recent purchases, including leopard print shoes (h & m), the leather shorts and other information as the ring-bow (always & h m), the wonderful circle decorated and the new gray enamel .. in some photos you see with me my sweet puppy Stella, who on the day of the photo makes his first year! Is not that wonderful?
A kiss to all, before long new foto di outfit casual e eleganti indossati durante questi giorni festivi!
Auguro un Buon Natale pieno di allegria a tutte voi! Grazie per i vostri commenti e, se volete, seguitemi!!


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