Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Home Cleaning Dental Kit

birthday little nest

hello to everyone. this is my first post. begin on a beautiful sunny day.

would like to begin by saying that the sprightly enthusiasm that brings a new blog TUTTOMIO will not last forever. there will come a day when I'll update yes and no when to shine, so do not consider me with no other interests in life if I write today for the second time. is that it is a day of an unspecified material that smells like arm amputee and placed in formalin, but too late.

I come home at times rambling and not yet cenata prey to mystical visions in which the lady looks me in the guise of a mess of lasagna while intoning the dire straits in a corner a corner a corner a corner (sorry, I said ) while in a corner a corner watching me, Judge.

the thing I like to do when meeting clients just accommodating them and smile and then I left, muttering curses in ancient Hebrew hoping to awaken the Golem and finally lead to the purification of the world by certain heads emeritus of eggplant parmigiana.

I love April. I love movies as much as Poles. the truth is that April makes me electrostatic. why can not tear myself away from this computer and keep writing crap.

anyway for the record I've looked very relaxed on the bike. when the paving and the traffic let me hear the birds. and hum like all the best cyclists of quality.

here, my vision is a bit 'that Montale had when he wrote' retreating ', only the port of' Look Who's Talking ', the test of the cook (and 2) and sages of brown wasp.

per fortuna ci sono i PANTALONI IN MISTO LINO! con i PANTALONI IN MISTO LINO avrai contemporaneamente una sensazione di fresco pulito alle gambe unita ad un afflato orgasmico da acquisti avveduti!

senzazione simile al desiderio sincero di morte. contemporanea, seppur incoerente, paura della morte. azioni incoerenti in sequenze di tre per volta. ma cosa (oh cosa) è realmente necessario?

inoltre una donna che fuma lucky strike è affascinante come una donna vestita casual. o come un uomo nudo. la sigaretta è il quinto arto che produce l'equilibrio in un corpo libero.

il punto è che: non c'è nessun punto qui dentro e vorrei che questa idea di non consequenzialità fosse un faro rassicurante for all those that happen around here.

the fact is that, as the sage once said, are tristanzuola ... Tomorrow I have four and two commitments give me grief. and when you start making your own polls on Istat commitments means that if you are not the fruits, for sure you have the second over for a while '.

strange meals through my days.
this morning I had two breakfasts and dine: The second consisted of hot tea, two fried eggs, Bagigi and a snare of a shoe

my life flows calm in terror of not knowing how to pay the rent January.


many question marks in the crowd my mind ... some of my points blacks are now question marks in protest ... I appeal to the court of Monty Python, by Corrado Guzzanti and bad taste: innoccennte sleep!

'm patenting a day of 36 hours including at least six are employed to do things perfectly useless to humanity, but very funny for the individual

cazzeggiano the w and who invented it.
(I know you are damn concise, but this post highlights my need to escape obligations imposed and self-imposed ... I'm going to look at the door of my closet for a while ', the first of two crunch cereal and sleep)

I'm running out in pathetic? I'm running out?

the songs that I spend in testa in questo periodo sono tutte piuttosto acustiche e ottimiste... che sia il potere di oby? o l'esaurimento che mi si palesa nella ricerca spregiudicata del suo opposto? o l'opposto che si palesa nell'esaurimento di oby?

ecco, la verità è che sono in pieno mestruo e non ho più un soldo.

desidero carnalmente del cibo esoso. un buon umore abbacinante e a tratti fastidiosetto accompagna le mie traversate di queste vasche che sono le nostre giornate.

voglio dire, ricorderò i miei ventitré anni come un periodo operoso e dei tutto antiedonistico.
e invece l'edoné è fondamentale per un'esistenza sana e senza situazioni border line...

devo rendere la mia camera milanese a bit less 'you have stolen or have lost in the removal of the cartons?'. and I should not be held back by the fact that I have robbed and that he lost in the removal of the cartons.

but fear not, are always ronciosa nots that you know: I'm living just buonipasto and Tronky, the diet of champions!

perhaps a teenager I was more wise? or more I enjoyed the single moment? or less I'm afraid ... or maybe I was just a teenager.


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