Thursday, September 10, 2009

Most Comfortable Hiking Boots

night in milan

my Master called Daisaku Ikeda. is a Japanese man born 82 years ago. teenager told him he would not have reached their thirties. stopped studying to work for his master (Josei Toda, ed.) has more than 250 degrees onorem. I will deeply good. because he believes in me more than any person in the world, perhaps even more than my parents, certainly more than me. and we believe always and unconditionally.

thanks milan. you was a lifetime for me. thanks that never sleep and when I turn out the light because there is always someone who has it still on (I know! amazing how much to spend bills in Milan!). thanks for your gray and orange for the unexpected. thanks for the outer ring road and all those trees that make you remember that only a city can focus all their trees only on an outer ring road (!). thanks for the ships and Corsico. thanks for the Kaikan and my three bikes. thanks for the sleepless nights. thanks for Enzo. thanks for sewage and drinking with Libya square sandwich night with Robi. thanks for the May 2007 and February 2008. thanks for the california bakeries and who invented. thanks for the Augustinian deserts to be frightening. Thank you for the way Litta I do not remember his name and going to the dawn in the first academic year. thanks for the coop Viale Umbria and the radiobus. thanks for vittoriociardo and who knows when I will see again. cineway and thanks for all the samples gone bad. thanks by Aselli. thanks for the 16marzo2008 in milan, I lived only in part, playing Edgar in a room full of blue clouds. thanks for the clouds and the light is artificial. thanks for the tests on goal victory - Christ if I hate those tests! - And thanks because I wanted to live near the place where I spent adigraat ever, and lived in the end I've got a spit adigraaat Square. thanks for the recitazioni da nicoletta alle 7 del mattino e senza aver fatto colazione. grazie per le prove in viale campania. grazie per il capitolo sud-est e per le giovani donne che lottano sempreecomunque. grazie per quella mattina di dicembre che avevodormitoquattrooreenonhoapertoacamilla. grazie per Camilla. grazie per Luana e per il primo maggio. grazie di cuore per tutte le feste a cui non ho partecipato dal 2005 al 2007 e per tutte quelle a cui ho partecipato solo nel settembre 2007... grazie per i dritti con il treno poi alle 7 del mattino. grazie per Betta. e per la Benni e la Fra e Unamicoperamico e la chat da una camera all'altra. grazie per via settala. grazie per miki. per via buonarroti. per il materassoaterra di via buonarroti. grazie per pierangeloturri e per la neve del gennaio 2006. grazie per i capelli rasati a zero e per il caschetto e per il rosso. soprattutto per il rosso. e grazie per Fanny che mi ha teso una trappola troppo ben congegnata e ora non sa quello che l'aspetta. grazie per il Victoria e il barman hiphoparo. per le feste di novembre. per gli iPod... e le strade piene di gente e di musica nelle orecchie.grazie per corso Veneza e per Prada con le vetrine sempre ugualmente inquietanti. per i parchi usati troooppo poco. per la Robi. per i cinesi e il giapponese di corso lodi...come si chiama? e per ...uha...quattro anni sono lunghi...ce ne sarebbero di cose...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I Really Would Like An Amplifier

maybe here

Visualizzazione ingrandita della mappa

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Labled Diagram Parts Of A Boat

strange trees

'm glad that I realized that I have to leave my responsibilities at a time and a lot of other places. it is strange how sometimes things are so simple ... and sometimes so complicated ... Oh God, I'm falling asleep! I will return ... more alert, less feverish .. alphalounge good ...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Blistex For Itchy Lips

of Endearment

someone cleans your face? ...
okay ... Then I fall asleep like that ...

Friday, July 10, 2009

Diy Lego Rcx Light Sensor


in these times full of words

I go underwater with open arms and look

- Among the echoes of the nearby crossings -
dawn to arrive an hour or

where you just look for illumine
Buj and innuendo

Thursday, July 2, 2009

2009 Tiffany Christmas Ornament

night wearing funny hats

right now my hair is becoming Definitely red. ssssooooo cuuuute!
questioning from first to last word of my present and future to come next, I melting pot (yes, I am melting pot a lot lately ... I can not deny it) in the state of fullness of those who feel in rhythm with the universe and will 2 exams 12 credits in September. Not all the donuts they can with the hole. but, as the essay, which already re-exit from the oven before exploding and with it the entire block containing it is a benefit.
impercioqquindi mi vanto della mia condizione privilegiata di ventiquattrenne alla ricerca della sua missione e metto in progetto viaggi a media e lunga distanza (e durata).
dormo sempre poco.
digrigno ancora i denti.
ma rido spesso di me e di individui che mi fanno riscoprire il valore dei mestoli e delle mucche di ceramica (questa andrebbe spiegata e lo so, ma mi piace lasciarvi immaginare come questi due elementi si possano combinare in mille variazioni di demenza e colori).
riapro il mio blog a mesi di distanza.
mi chiedo dove vorrei vivere l'anno prossimo e con quante persone (di seguito e contemporaneamente).
faccio grandi bucati e vi assicuro che i miei talloni non avevano un così bell'aspetto da anni!

come minimo oggi mi amputano un braccio.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Plymouth Cuda Paint Colors

convinced that something is going to happen under a sky that falls

...mi crogiuolo in attività notturne e discutibili quali: annusarmi le ascelle più e più volte e la chat. o meglio: la non chat. qui dormono tutti.
genio incontrastato della notte mi bullo e non ho voglia di materasso: checcazzo, uno torna a casa da 7 ore di lavoro e muore a letto?? voglio una degna fine della mia giornata (qui se fossimo in un testo di cechov ci sarebbe uno sparo e qualcuno stramazzerebbe dietro una quinta).
comunque volevo condividere con voi la frase di oggi:
'l'opera non è finita finché non canta the fat '

forgot. now I do a cleansing tea. I do not know if it's a good idea ...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Why Does Wireless Die When Phone Rings

and while we purify ourselves of all this water in the rain and lime, I'm queen of the night and its silence. of coughing in his sleep. of settling and creaking doors. the last mail before going to sleep. are translucent and have dark circles. in July. but I'm happy.

I know I should not write things like that ... I am a tough with a heart of steel and eyelids cherry veneer ... but this damn orange is taking over!
also on my hair ... eheheh..

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Butal Apap-325 Caff Uses

like to run, I see you and your brother

amici! mi sono mancata. e mi manco tutt'ora: sono ancora la sagace e surreale irene d'un tempo? non lo so, ma di sicuro di certe cose non mi privo ancora: per esempio di andare a letto alle 4 del mattino e di scrivere prima di andare a letto alle 4 del mattino...
sono STRAvolta. ma DOVEvo scrivere. perché sono diventata arancione e questo non è un segno indifferente...
ps: mi scrivono commenti ambigui che tradotti significano 'Vieni qui, fanciulla/baby/bambola /bella/giovane donna' (non sapevo quale scegliere! che, oh, CHE connotazione dare a questo appello a scambiarsi segni di pace??)
but I get excited: someone believes enough value to want me around! and I can hardly say that I often wake up with me!
occhiaddormento ...

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Difference Between Emu And Emu Ridge

Trying to be sexy

the beginning of a long journey always begins with one step.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

How To Apply Figaro Olive Oil For Hair


sure, so it will be less elegant, but definitely we DEFINITELY need a new breath, the taste of turnips and Treviso. no longer able to get in touch with my sarcasm, I decided to make me alive I, alone, beautiful and headstrong as a gray rag, but convinced to succeed enterprise. greeting. :)
trying to rearrange my life in generally accepted canons (sleep at night and work during the day) I'm Definitely hang with the university and English - two pearls at the base of my future - and I tend to guilt.
will also be a month I say I'll go to the movies and the movies you go easy, as Pauline would say count (ah, Pauline count).
I feel like I wear a checkered apron and I were at a table full of ingredients to prepare a promising ciambellotto (ah, the ciambellotto) but I'm aware of it while I break the first egg that I do not quite prepare ciambellotto! - Oh God, it's true!
ergo: where to find recipe for ciambellotto if all the recipes in this kitchen are boxes of cardboard attached to a fake hand strap recipe??
Hamlet and this doubt, I go back to the fore ...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Alkaliniser, Candida Infection, Uti

just behind the accounting, that is, fleeting reappearance

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Paper Doll Template Female

get up and go away happy

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Home Cleaning Dental Kit

birthday little nest

hello to everyone. this is my first post. begin on a beautiful sunny day.

would like to begin by saying that the sprightly enthusiasm that brings a new blog TUTTOMIO will not last forever. there will come a day when I'll update yes and no when to shine, so do not consider me with no other interests in life if I write today for the second time. is that it is a day of an unspecified material that smells like arm amputee and placed in formalin, but too late.

I come home at times rambling and not yet cenata prey to mystical visions in which the lady looks me in the guise of a mess of lasagna while intoning the dire straits in a corner a corner a corner a corner (sorry, I said ) while in a corner a corner watching me, Judge.

the thing I like to do when meeting clients just accommodating them and smile and then I left, muttering curses in ancient Hebrew hoping to awaken the Golem and finally lead to the purification of the world by certain heads emeritus of eggplant parmigiana.

I love April. I love movies as much as Poles. the truth is that April makes me electrostatic. why can not tear myself away from this computer and keep writing crap.

anyway for the record I've looked very relaxed on the bike. when the paving and the traffic let me hear the birds. and hum like all the best cyclists of quality.

here, my vision is a bit 'that Montale had when he wrote' retreating ', only the port of' Look Who's Talking ', the test of the cook (and 2) and sages of brown wasp.

per fortuna ci sono i PANTALONI IN MISTO LINO! con i PANTALONI IN MISTO LINO avrai contemporaneamente una sensazione di fresco pulito alle gambe unita ad un afflato orgasmico da acquisti avveduti!

senzazione simile al desiderio sincero di morte. contemporanea, seppur incoerente, paura della morte. azioni incoerenti in sequenze di tre per volta. ma cosa (oh cosa) è realmente necessario?

inoltre una donna che fuma lucky strike è affascinante come una donna vestita casual. o come un uomo nudo. la sigaretta è il quinto arto che produce l'equilibrio in un corpo libero.

il punto è che: non c'è nessun punto qui dentro e vorrei che questa idea di non consequenzialità fosse un faro rassicurante for all those that happen around here.

the fact is that, as the sage once said, are tristanzuola ... Tomorrow I have four and two commitments give me grief. and when you start making your own polls on Istat commitments means that if you are not the fruits, for sure you have the second over for a while '.

strange meals through my days.
this morning I had two breakfasts and dine: The second consisted of hot tea, two fried eggs, Bagigi and a snare of a shoe

my life flows calm in terror of not knowing how to pay the rent January.


many question marks in the crowd my mind ... some of my points blacks are now question marks in protest ... I appeal to the court of Monty Python, by Corrado Guzzanti and bad taste: innoccennte sleep!

'm patenting a day of 36 hours including at least six are employed to do things perfectly useless to humanity, but very funny for the individual

cazzeggiano the w and who invented it.
(I know you are damn concise, but this post highlights my need to escape obligations imposed and self-imposed ... I'm going to look at the door of my closet for a while ', the first of two crunch cereal and sleep)

I'm running out in pathetic? I'm running out?

the songs that I spend in testa in questo periodo sono tutte piuttosto acustiche e ottimiste... che sia il potere di oby? o l'esaurimento che mi si palesa nella ricerca spregiudicata del suo opposto? o l'opposto che si palesa nell'esaurimento di oby?

ecco, la verità è che sono in pieno mestruo e non ho più un soldo.

desidero carnalmente del cibo esoso. un buon umore abbacinante e a tratti fastidiosetto accompagna le mie traversate di queste vasche che sono le nostre giornate.

voglio dire, ricorderò i miei ventitré anni come un periodo operoso e dei tutto antiedonistico.
e invece l'edoné è fondamentale per un'esistenza sana e senza situazioni border line...

devo rendere la mia camera milanese a bit less 'you have stolen or have lost in the removal of the cartons?'. and I should not be held back by the fact that I have robbed and that he lost in the removal of the cartons.

but fear not, are always ronciosa nots that you know: I'm living just buonipasto and Tronky, the diet of champions!

perhaps a teenager I was more wise? or more I enjoyed the single moment? or less I'm afraid ... or maybe I was just a teenager.

Who Makes Publix Bakery Cream Cheese


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sample Cover Letters From Dentist

Grand Theft Auto, shame

GTA 4 has managed to sully Italy despite all the violence in the game.
Advanced graphics allows you to feel "inside" the game and turns kids into criminals, because in this lousy game rapes, violence and child abuse are on the agenda.
GTA 4 should be seized, because it incites crime and juvenile as you all know is a crime.
But let's stop talking about GTA a little more detail:
Since the early minutes of the game must be "affordable" and underage prostitutes after being raped necessary to kill them.
the second level we see horrific scenes in which the protagonist is masturbating with one hand ripped from a corpse.

In game you can kill children in a brutal manner

If you bought this game throw the CD, if you keep playing you will hurt you and the next

Article by TGCOM