Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Read Letters To Penthouse Online Free


TOKYO - The first bullet train of history, the series shinkansen 'Zero', is now on borrowed time before the final retirement, scheduled for November, but its popularity among travelers Nipponese continues to increase.

More and more, in fact, passengers who buy tickets just to make a run on the venerable bullet train before he retires from the rails, regardless of destination. To meet the demands of the public, the train operator Jr is organizing special tours with special packages at discounted prices, which are proving to be very popular railway enthusiasts, families on outings and even schools, all of 'bewitched' by timeless of 'Zero' and its distinctive 'nose' black on the tip of the tractor.

The first bullet train of History was inaugurated in 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo, and was one of the most recognizable symbols of the rebirth of Japan from the ruins of the Second World War. In over 40 years of service has never suffered an accident or derailment. Capable of reaching speeds unthinkable for the time, about 210 kilometers per hour, the series 'Zero' was gradually replaced with new models, remaining still in service - and it will be until November - with its total reliability, with a pair of trains on the line linking the central city of Osaka southern island of Kyushu.

Source: ansa.it

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Stackable Rabbit Hutch For Sale Ontario

I'm back! XDDDD

And I finally decide to aggiornare... mamma mia... è da Giugno che non scrivo più! O.o
Un pò perchè ero troppo impegnata... un pò la pigrizia... urge rimediare! ^^
E quale miglior modo di ricominciare a scrivere su questo blog se non con tre bei video X-Japan related! XDDDD

Cominciamo con questo... fatto da me medesima...

Endless Love... Yoshiki

Sono la peggiore fan-girl di quest'uomo! XDDD

Il secondo è anch'esso fatto da me... un mio personale piccolissimo omaggio ad hide...

hide... we never forget you

And finally the last ... a wonderful video made by my brother (all in the family! XDDD)

X Japan - Kurenai (红)

Three small X in homage to the divine pre concert Paris! ^ ^ WE ARE


Friday, August 1, 2008

My Dog Has Polycystic


Metin2, online gaming is a shameful, violent extremism, to become the strongest where you kill the dogs.
Metin2 is arranged in a pyramid: at the top are the Game Master codiddetti , little dictators, who rule over all.
At the base of the pyramid, the players are inexperienced, discriminated against and called "NABBA" .
The player, in his rise to power, it becomes completely dependent on this game, you can not stand for a few minutes without playing.
We can not allow this game to continue to trouble the souls of our children!
I am organizing a petition to block the Italian metin2 server, which will be presented to the minister of telecommunications. A short
put a link to the petition, come in many!

General In Movie Commando

Tokio Hotel, subliminal messages in songs. My son and Fabio

Video games are not the only scourge afflicting the youth of today, there are other things are meant to sully their souls pure.
One of these is the music business, with its subliminal messages urging young people to conduct shameful.
The group will analyze today are the so-called Tokyo Hotel, very popular among young girls. This group
is the peak of the degradation of the music.
The founder of this group is called Bill Kaliz (pictured above) so loved by his ambiguous sexuality.
The group's songs are satanic.
Most of the songs from this group contains subliminal messages that incite to Satanism and homosexuality:

Some of these messages are camouflaged and almost impossible to detect,
some are hidden using a technique of backmashing, that is feel rewinding the song.

Lyric Scream
"We have to stand here on the hell" (we must stand up here in hell).
"my love is nasty." (My love is dirty)

Lyric Duch Monsun en
''Ich bin dein Gott''(I am your God) is repeated five times, quickly
Mochta''Ich, dass Ihr Blut aus den Venen''(I want the blood that comes out of your veins) clear incitement to suicide.

Right now they are all, if they'll add other scoverò.