Monday, February 28, 2011

Sensa Candles Catalog

I love studs!

Hello guys!
That's great, I finished all the exams of the winter session and all went well!
I have not had much time to blog, but now I hope to make my .. while I show you my new purchase: my purse studded, love it! What do you think? Thank you
to me, however, later in this period and thanks to some great feedback, you are all so kind! Prestooooo and a kiss!


Monday, February 14, 2011

Create Your Own Hoodie

Buon San Valentino!!!

I just wanted to wish you a wonderful, wonderful Valentine's Day to all those who are in love ... I hope you will spend a full day of emotions! Kisses!!
Ps. The dog in the photo is identical to my sweet Stella, she too wish you a happy Valentine's Day because I love the madness!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mount & Blade How To Get Lots Of People

Catechism prohibited to minors

Santità La imploro: ma chi sono gli idioti che scelgono certi titoli? li scomunichi, li chiuda nelle segrete del Vaticano, ma per favore li faccia smettere, che alla prossima muoio dalle risate!

Monday, February 7, 2011

What Does Horsetail Do

However is useless and Note Off are two videos that were submitted the first time - in the form of a real diptych - for Art White Night in the exhibition I CARE - SHOCK THERAPY to USELESS , Saturday, January 29, 2011. a diptych, two additional stories : both videos are men and women who tell their stories made of anger and love, passion and indifference, two events which intuits the background but that is impossible prevedere il seguito.

Comunque è tutto inutile è una performance video, in un unico piano sequenza, con Fabiana Aniello e Marco Testa, autore anche dello script, diretti da Francesca Fini che ha curato la fotografia. Rappresenta una storia quotidiana, basata sulla frantumazione del dialogo, sull'incrinatura del contatto comunicativo, sulla difficoltà estrema di poter esprimere le proprie emozioni verso chi, per contrasto, riesce a viverle fino in fondo, anche se in forme diametralmente esasperate ed enfatiche. Una dualità così discordante fatta di assordanti silenzi trova equilibrio, seppur instabile, solo nella sua ricomposizione. I tentativi di porsi in relazione sono comunque fuori tempo, alternate, so opposite to seem quite pointless to hope for a future match of emotions ... maybe only a new awakening.

However, it is useless for Marco Testa Marco Testa from on Vimeo .

Note off Francesca Fini is a video, taken from a performance together with Marco Casolino. Also in this video tells the story of a man and a woman, which culminates in the symbolic exchange of food, milk, control and slavery. Will they ever understand each other, to overcome the fear and violence? The mind is always alert, even if the candle burns too quickly. As a old record that we know well, the desire to know leads to seek contact with each other: look through the emotions, even the most conflicting. You will find the strength, with shock therapy, to avoid each other off?

"NOTE OFF" - the video clip from Francesca Fini on Vimeo .

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Job Position Filled Letter

Blue mood..

Hello to you all!
First of all I wanted to thank you for always being so nice to comment on my post, I hope you enjoy my little blog and if so do not hesitate to follow me, I will repay! ;)
The title of the post "Blue Mood" refers to my state of mind in these days of studio ... you can imagine ... but I chose that outfit for a party that was held yesterday evening .
I decided to play on the combination blue-black, which I like very much and I chose this shirt Sisley leaving a naked shoulder as the ever-present leather pants and boots with strings that I had already shown. Everything, then, completed by the studded clutch, mini belt spotted h & m, long drop earrings (which I love), lots of bangles and light blue enamel Kiko. I hope that the result is to your liking ..
What do you think?
kiss to everyone!
Ps. the photos were taken today, the day after the party, when I make a lighter, yesterday I was a little nicer in terms of make-up! ;)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Right Breat Sensitive To Touch

Holiness, fuck, but any sense of the ridiculous?

Oggi, in prima pagina su Avvenire, c’era questa manchette: giuro che ho pensato a una nuova marca di bocconcini per i miei fedeli micetti, e mi stupivo di non vedere un’intelligente espressione felina al posto di questa finta bionda… è stato solo dopo, quando ho letto il testo, che ho scoperto trattasi del catechismo ufficiale dei giovani per la Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù Madrid 2011.
Now, I understand that Our Lord is merciful in the first place, but at least punish them with a little 'diarrhea for this mob?