Friday, June 11, 2010

Women In Long Leg Panties

amoena moments tonight when the carlobergo find that the list of reservations of the Evening of the Year - the World Cup on Monday - was inadvertently thrown. part of the mission: ravanare in the garbage. noble and priceless moments. I got to hear and know of tuna, not just in the box, but it expired and a jar full of Botox.
luckily have colleagues tend fetish humor and non-sense at some point proves to be an immeasurable fortune. but that's another story.
comunque trovandomi a spalare mmerda, mi sono resa conto che... la merda è ovunque, ragazzi! cioè, non serve svuotare la spazzatura di tre giorni del carlsberg per rovistare nella merda; basta aprire il mio cranio malato e darci un'occhiatina dentro senza scendere a compromessi. non solo, ma anche l'odore di tonno che vi resterà ad ee so alle narici come sensazione è lo stesso! pazzesco.
cerco di trovare la strada del sonno, se non voglio ritrovarmi a ravanare anche nella merda del mio basso rendimento nello studio, questa settimana!
chiuderò in bellezza. voglio farlo, so che posso farlo, mi aspetto di farlo!!!

and in any case the question that arises at the forefront of Ravana is in these moments, but a healthy desire for revenge Sometimes there is inside? Bruscolino a right to compensation, a cough for revenge ... a ... just a rivals ina!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Marvel Birthdayinvitations

shoveling shit and the Sultan said only thrombi

... and thrombi are.
like a modern Scheherazade, put the guards outside the door, I will prepare the incense, candles and pillows, wash everything, including myself, and put the earrings longer.
then wait. I, my lady of the camellias, infinite in my little kingdom queen, I will choose when and how the sultan will come within the confines of my white desert.
will choose the moon, and which side will be given to the scythe, the flowers that will scent more, and those that remain open on that night, nothing that will see the Sultan will be random, because everything has been chosen in agreement between me and the infinite space of our time.
and that my slave hard one day, or ten, or will be infinitely more enjoyable. and each night will be a really long story.
apparently will be an invasion or a conquest, but below the first layer of sand will be the direction of a concert. tame the beast.

reflections lyrically afternoon while I should be studying breakfast on plutooooooooooooooooo!! arghszjkhfrbcjhfwcvevv!!!%$&£%£&%$£ dfaj °°!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Orthopedic Shoes For Clubfoot

return a verona most fragrant flowers ever.
is a month and now that I think I must, I write that:
make me orgasm bike cornering at speed, good friends, ck fragrances, kiwifruit (eaten with a spoon), carrot and lemon shakes, Karen and Blixen Out of Africa, my home in Milan to the railing, the golden dawn after the after, the cheeks of children, all star, the indentation between the neck and ear, read in English, the belly tan, the smell of holes, spread the washing machine, carbonara, interior courtyards, the summer storms with drops so large, my scooter, the non-sense, strawberries, salmon with mango, new york, cross the town for a cup of tea with a friend, the witty jokes, stolen kisses, the wind, make four dishes, sweatpants, big backs, to be taken and taken away in weight, have four different things in each pocket of your jeans , afternoons at the park, sort barefoot, evenings unpretentious, wedges, thin ankles, the impossible challenges and the solution that gives you life and who you never thought, asses the round, matted hair .. .