Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Smoke Detection Location In Hospital

clean sweep second day: 200 pages red ...

... And a great question mark:

however: Conrad, I love you.
"To tell you the truth, I was morbidly Anxious to change my shoes and socks (which are pregnant with blood, ed.)
'He is dead,' murmured the fellow, immensely impressed. 'No doubt about it 'Said I, tugging like mad at the shoe-laces. "
the vanguard of Tarantino.
even, dare I say, Tarantino - the vanguard.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Diabetes And Drivers Licence In Ontario

8 books, 7 days: first day

ok ok ok ... we are one step away from the workpiece, a step sooooolo.
beginning with recovery books in sixth with rumbling motor and gasoline break from my favorite ... lunch then still want to scale: we have the time and a half lunch break, but within seven minutes to arrive next Monday ...
noontime : Maugham to the balcony, with buckets of lemon juice (ah, ah ... the lemon, the hymen!) Do you think that carbide ...
mò me to read the port Blixen ...
promise a reversal of my sense of humor: the anxiety is everywhere - gllllllllll - but there's, oh, there's a method to read 100 pages in 3 hours??
damn subject ... damned British subject ...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Characteristic Of An Aqurian

moments of compromise without reservation

are surrounded by cat power (recently discovered, ed) (;)) just a moment before leaving my calves wanted to rest. ah, my calves! ah, rest!
strange days in the collapse of sleep at times when psychedelic background with gates and other motor pinzillacchere sui generis, and strange night that closes on time with the question, but what I do tomorrow morning with breakfast? and why if you already put on his pajamas in the morning you should play?

good sea of \u200b\u200blove .........

imsicirtnat ...

Friday, May 14, 2010

Buy Alberta Insurance

pop up somewhere else ... anywhere else but from what?

is very late and thoughts at this time have a density of ice berry that does not help ... but I wanted to share with myself that I re-read in a while 'those moments.
there, oh, there is hope?

tonight I read a post from almost a year ago in which I described exactly irene now, but happier: damnation. here something is turning the wrong way and frankly I'm not sure you want to know what that something. certain: this year I saw a lot of film. I learned to be on set more than twenty hours on end and still be able to articulate the word 'thank you'. I discovered new forms of emotional suffering that I did not think you could then pass in less than a month to the sound of daimoku (see: religion for those who have sense of humor). I have a scooter. and a lot of good intentions. within a month I promise myself to realize a great personal victory. I promise to pull the strings of this ball of flights of fancy and a funnel in one direction bloody clear. you up to date. well ... I upgrade. we see that damn monkey wrench I need to get out of the cocoon and become a goddamn butterfly.