Thursday, July 31, 2008

Scanner Rating Under 500 Best Of 2009

andPer the fifteenth birthday of my son Fabio, I gave him a Playstation2.
This was one of the biggest mistakes I made in my life. In the first
time, we made a deal: for every good grade he received in school, he could play for an hour.
After a while, I realized that I tended to play without my permission, but I let him do, after all, a guy also needs to have fun! This
my negligence was fatal: he began to neglect his studies, and spent the money he gave on Sunday to give to charity during the mass to buy video game magazines.
But my patience to the limit came when he discovered that he had played the Playstation for five hours!
At that point, forbade him to play with the Playstation, and subsequent days, burst into withdrawal symptoms: screaming and kicking objects.
Fortunately the pastor came to his aid, and together they helped him get out of this nightmare, but not without difficulty.
was then that I decided to found this Association, to prevent other children plummet into oblivion, as happened to my son.

Do not buy a Playstation for your child!
ruin her life forever!

Ibm Thinkcentre M52 Audio

Games Grand Theft Auto 2

The first game we will discuss is the infamous Grand Theft Auto 2 second chapter in the saga Grand Theft Auto.

The name means''Grand Thef Auto Grand Theft''machines, so it is natural to think that this video game that young people to commit auto theft. Despite

Grand Theft Auto 2 is very old, has never ceased to kidnap the minds of our filgi is trapped inside the television screen.

The goal is to earn money by killing passers-by and do missions for crime bosses, you can also kidnap the children while leaving the school, for ransom!

The game also contains subliminal messages, just look at the picture above.

There is also a secret movie, viewable only to achieve 10,000 points which is represented with a raw realism rape.

Clip Art Of Arabian Nights


Hello dear, I
writes the Italian Association of Families'' Sea Shell,''a small association, presidenziata by me, James Alghisi.

The ultimate goal of this association is to prohibit the sale , or at least put a strong censorship on violent video game.

This organization, founded in December 2005, already has many members, if you want to join you too, do not hesitate to contact our E-mail

The name of our association'' Sea Shell ''was not chosen at random for''Shell'' means our goal to protect children now slaves of video games, e per ' 'nel Mare '', si intende l'enorme missione che ci sovrasta, ma non ci fà perdere la speranza.