Monday, March 7, 2011

How To Clean Perfume Atomizer

Liebster Blog Award

Hello everyone!
morning, opening the blog, I found a surprise: Elisa's follies has received an award, the "Liebster Blog Award." I have to thank for this Henry Fashion Mode, among other things, a very very nice blog , and of course all of you who follow me and support me! THANKS!

These are the rules you must follow:

1) accept the award and write a post about
2) Scegliere da 3 a 5 blog che vi piacciono e che volete far conoscere comunicando loro che hanno ricevuto il   premio,
3)  Linkare il post alla persona che ve lo ha inviato.

Lo scopo di questo premio è dare la possibilità ai nuovi blog di farsi conoscere un po' di più.

E il mio award va a : 

Monday, February 28, 2011

Sensa Candles Catalog

I love studs!

Hello guys!
That's great, I finished all the exams of the winter session and all went well!
I have not had much time to blog, but now I hope to make my .. while I show you my new purchase: my purse studded, love it! What do you think? Thank you
to me, however, later in this period and thanks to some great feedback, you are all so kind! Prestooooo and a kiss!


Monday, February 14, 2011

Create Your Own Hoodie

Buon San Valentino!!!

I just wanted to wish you a wonderful, wonderful Valentine's Day to all those who are in love ... I hope you will spend a full day of emotions! Kisses!!
Ps. The dog in the photo is identical to my sweet Stella, she too wish you a happy Valentine's Day because I love the madness!